Standard Report List

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Standard Report List

The term Report in DonorQuest refers to the page layout -- the arrangement of data on a printed page. Reports control which attributes of a donor account will be shown and where they will be positioned on the page. Selections filter data, reports show data. While some reports may do minor additional filtering if they are specially designed to do so, the major filtering tasks are always accomplished by selections. For example, if you select donors in a specific zip code range, the selection defines which donors will print, and the report layout you choose will control what about each donor will appear on the page -- maybe just the names, maybe the names and addresses, maybe the names and phone numbers, etc.


This topic provides a comprehensive listing of all the report layouts included with DonorQuest. Although you are not allowed to make changes to these reports directly, you may copy any report to make your own modifications.


Notice how the name of each report begins with the name of the table for which the report is to be used with. All reports are designed to be run from a particular table, for example the Campaign Summary report is intended to be run from the Donations table because that is where this information is gathered from. Therefore, the Campaign report is named, "Donations - Campaign Summary", denoting that the report needs to be run from the Donations table, or a Donation-based selection. This naming convention also helps group all of the usable reports together for printing from a selection that you have created. For example if you are printing from a donation-based selection, only the report layouts designed to print from the donation table will be offered in the report menu. You should maintain this report naming convention in any custom report layouts you create.


To see what any of these reports look like, you can simply preview them in DonorQuest. This is done by starting with all DonorQuest windows closed, then clicking on the Print button of the DonorQuest toolbar. Since this gives you direct access to your entire database, all reports are shown since you are not limiting the records by using a specific selection result. Be sure and set the Printing Options to Preview And Optionally Print, like this:


DonorQuest Reports Menu - Direct Printing


For an example of limiting the information printed by a report by associating it with a selection result, please refer to the Reports topic of the Quick Start topic. You should also see Printing Reports under the Working With Selection Results topic.

Remembering Your Favorite Reports

DonorQuest allows you to maintain a personalized list of the reports you use most often, so that you can get to them quickly. The list is user-specific, so your report preferences will not interfere with those of other users. When the DonorQuest Report menu is open, you will see a new, "Favorite Report Layouts" tab, as shown here:


Favorite Report Layouts


There is also a new, "Add Favorite" button at the bottom of the DonorQuest Reports dialog which will copy the currently highlighted report to your personal Favorite Report Layouts tab:


Reports - Add Favorite button


For example, clicking on the Add Favorites button when the, "Donations - Campaign Summary" report is highlighted on the Pre-Defined Report Layouts tab will add this report to your personal favorites tab like this:


Reports Menu Showing A Favorite Added


Here is a comprehensive list of all the report layouts provided with DonorQuest:


Contacts - By Year And Month

Contacts - By Year And Month, Subgrouped By Action

Contacts - Grant Detail Report - All Grants By User

Contacts - Grant Detail Report - All Grants By User, Open Grants Only

Contacts - Grant Payment Report - Approved Grants Not Yet Paid Off

Contacts - Tickler Report By User

Contacts - Tickler Report By User, Open Contacts Only

Contacts - User Counts

Donations - Amount And Count By State With Percentage

Donations - Analysis of Proceeds and Return Rates Based On Donation Stimulus Codes

Donations - Analysis of Proceeds and Return Rates From Solicitation Letters Sent

Donations - Campaign Summary

Donations - Campaign Summary (Non-Dollar Gifts)

Donations - Comparison Of Year-To-Year Giving By Calendar Year

Donations - Comparison Of Year-To-Year Giving By Fiscal Year

Donations - Comparison Of Year-To-Year Giving By Fiscal Year With Totals

Donations - Comparison of Giving for each Stimulus and Donor for 5 Calendar Years - Summary

Donations - Comparison of Giving for each Stimulus and Donor for 5 Fiscal Years - Summary

Donations - Comparison of Giving for each Stimulus for 5 Calendar Years - Summary

Donations - Comparison of Giving for each Stimulus for 5 Fiscal Years - Summary

Donations - Count And Total Of Donations By 5-digit Zip With Percentages

Donations - Count And Total Of Donations By County With Percentages

Donations - Count And Total Of Donations By Donor Type With Percentages

Donations - Count And Total Of Donations By Giving Entity With Percentages

Donations - Count And Total Of Donations By Zip With Percentages

Donations - Count Of Gifts In Dollar Ranges By Calendar Year

Donations - Count Of Gifts In Dollar Ranges By Calendar Year And Week

Donations - Count Of Gifts In Dollar Ranges By Fiscal Year

Donations - Count Of Gifts In Dollar Ranges By Fiscal Year And Week

Donations - Dollar Totals Of Gifts In Dollar Ranges By Calendar Year

Donations - Dollar Totals Of Gifts In Dollar Ranges By Calendar Year And Week

Donations - Dollar Totals Of Gifts In Dollar Ranges By Fiscal Year

Donations - Dollar Totals Of Gifts In Dollar Ranges By Fiscal Year And Week

Donations - Donation Detail Report

Donations - Donation Detail Report - Ordered By Donation Date

Donations - Donation Detail Report - Totals Only

Donations - Donation Detail Report For Soft Credit Monetary Donations Only

Donations - Donation Detail Report Including Alternate Unit Donations

Donations - Donation Detail Report Including Alternate Unit Donations - Totals Only

Donations - Donation Detail Report With Addresses

Donations - Donation Detail Report With Addresses - Totals Only

Donations - Donation Detail Report With Addresses Including Alternate Unit Donations

Donations - Donation Detail Report With Addresses Including Alternate Unit Donations - Totals Only

Donations - Donation Detail Report With Totals And Counts By Donor

Donations - Donation Detail Report, Subtotals by Calendar Year

Donations - Donation Summary Report

Donations - Donor Name, Phone, Donation Amount And Stimulus

Donations - Donor Name, Phone, Donation Amount And Stimulus, Ordered By Current Cal Year's Total

Donations - Donor Name, Phone, Donation Amount And Stimulus, Ordered By Prev Cal Year's Total Giving

Donations - Donor Report (Ranked) w/ Contact Info & Donation Totals

Donations - For Mail Merge With Selected Donations Totalled By Donor (example for file/Excel output)

Donations - Grouped And Totaled By Month/Year, Subgrouped And Totaled By Stimulus

Donations - Grouped By 5-Digit Zip Code

Donations - Grouped By 5-Digit Zip Code - Summary

Donations - Grouped By Account

Donations - Grouped By Account - Summary

Donations - Grouped By Account, Ordered By Constituent Name Within Account

Donations - Grouped By Account, Subtotaled By Month And Year

Donations - Grouped By Account, Subtotalled by Fund

Donations - Grouped By Account, Subtotalled by Fund, Totals Only

Donations - Grouped By Account, Subtotalled by Stimulus

Donations - Grouped By Account, Subtotalled by Stimulus, Totals Only

Donations - Grouped By Appeal

Donations - Grouped By Appeal - Summary

Donations - Grouped By Appeal - Summary - Current And Past 2 Fiscal Years Only

Donations - Grouped By Calendar Year

Donations - Grouped By Calendar Year - Summary

Donations - Grouped By County

Donations - Grouped By County - Summary

Donations - Grouped By Date

Donations - Grouped By Date - Summary

Donations - Grouped By Day/Month/Year

Donations - Grouped By Day/Month/Year - Summary

Donations - Grouped By Donation Amounts, With Counts

Donations - Grouped By Donation Type

Donations - Grouped By Donation Type - Summary

Donations - Grouped By Donation Type, Subordered By Giving Entity

Donations - Grouped By Donor And Fund - Summary

Donations - Grouped By Donor Name With Address, Donation Totals, Counts, And Averages

Donations - Grouped By Donor Name With Calendar Year Totals And Counts

Donations - Grouped By Donor Name With Donation Totals, Counts, And Averages

Donations - Grouped By Donor Name With Fiscal Year Totals And Counts

Donations - Grouped By Donor Type

Donations - Grouped By Donor Type - Summary

Donations - Grouped By Donor Type With Calendar Year Totals And Counts

Donations - Grouped By Donor Type With Fiscal Year Totals And Counts

Donations - Grouped By Donor Type, Subtotaled by Donation Type

Donations - Grouped By Fiscal Year

Donations - Grouped By Fiscal Year + Appeal - Summary

Donations - Grouped By Fiscal Year + Stimulus, Subgrouped by TY code

Donations - Grouped By Fiscal Year + Stimulus, Subgrouped by TY code, Summary

Donations - Grouped By Fiscal Year - Alternate Unit Donations - Summary

Donations - Grouped By Fiscal Year - Summary

Donations - Grouped By Fiscal Year and Stimulus

Donations - Grouped By Fund

Donations - Grouped By Fund - 1st Quarter Current and Previous 2 Years - Summary

Donations - Grouped By Fund - 2nd Quarter Current and Previous 2 Years - Summary

Donations - Grouped By Fund - 3rd Quarter Current and Previous 2 Years - Summary

Donations - Grouped By Fund - 4th Quarter Current and Previous 2 Years - Summary

Donations - Grouped By Fund - Summary

Donations - Grouped By Fund - Summary With Donation And Donor Counts

Donations - Grouped By Fund Code Description

Donations - Grouped By Giver, Showing Soft Credit Recipient (If Any)

Donations - Grouped By Month, Subgrouped By Stimulus

Donations - Grouped By Month/Year

Donations - Grouped By Month/Year & Donor Type - Summary

Donations - Grouped By Month/Year - Summary

Donations - Grouped By Organization Name And Account

Donations - Grouped By State

Donations - Grouped By State - Summary

Donations - Grouped By Stimulus

Donations - Grouped By Stimulus - Code Description

Donations - Grouped By Stimulus - Summary

Donations - Grouped By Stimulus - Summary With Averages

Donations - Grouped By Stimulus And Donor - Summary

Donations - Grouped By Stimulus And Donor - Summary (for file output only)

Donations - Grouped By Stimulus With Monthly Totals In Columns

Donations - Grouped By Stimulus, Subgrouped By Appeal

Donations - Grouped By Stimulus, Subgrouped By Appeal - Code Descriptions

Donations - Grouped By Stimulus, Subgrouped By Appeal - Code Descriptions - Summary

Donations - Grouped By Stimulus, Subgrouped By Appeal - Summary

Donations - Grouped By Stimulus, Subgrouped By Donation Type

Donations - Grouped By Stimulus, Subgrouped By Donor Name

Donations - Grouped By Stimulus, Subsorted By Amount

Donations - Grouped By Stimulus, Subsorted By Donor Name

Donations - Grouped By TY Code

Donations - Grouped By TY Code- Summary

Donations - Grouped By Year + Stimulus, Subgrouped by TY code

Donations - Grouped By Year + Stimulus, Subgrouped by TY code - Summary

Donations - Grouped By Year With Donor Name, Amount, Stimulus

Donations - Grouped By Year and Stimulus

Donations - Grouped By Zip Code

Donations - Grouped By Zip Code - Summary

Donations - Number of DONORS Giving To Each Campaign

Donations - Pledge Payments For Calendar Year, 1 Year Ago

Donations - Pledge Payments For Previous Month

Donations - Previous Month Only

Donations - Previous Year Only

Donations - Quarterly Giving Totals By Calendar Year

Donations - Quarterly Giving Totals By Fiscal Year

Donations - Recency / Frequency Report, 0-3 Month Donors

Donations - Recency / Frequency Report, 13-18 Month Donors

Donations - Recency / Frequency Report, 19-24 Month Donors

Donations - Recency / Frequency Report, 25-36 Month Donors

Donations - Recency / Frequency Report, 36-plus Month Donors

Donations - Recency / Frequency Report, 4-6 Month Donors

Donations - Recency / Frequency Report, 7-12 Month Donors

Donations - Recency / Frequency Report, Overall Totals

Donations - Soft Credit Donations Only, Grouped By Giver

Donations - Soft Credit Donations Only, Grouped By Soft Credit Recipient

Donations - Soft Credit Donations Only, Grouped By Soft Credit Recipient, Subsorted By Giver

Donations - Soft Credit Donations Only, Grouped By Soft Credit Recipient, Totals Only

Donations - Total Of Gifts In Dollar Ranges By Calendar Year

Donations - Total Of Gifts In Dollar Ranges By Calendar Year And Week

Donations - Total Of Gifts In Dollar Ranges By Fiscal Year

Donations - Total Of Gifts In Dollar Ranges By Fiscal Year And Week

Donations - Totals And Year Counts

Donations - Totals And Year Counts, With Address, First, And Most Recent Years

Donations - Totals, Counts, Averages By City And Year

Donations - Volunteer Hours For Soft Credit Recipient, Totals Only

Donations - Yearly Donation Counts By $50 Increments

Donations - Yearly Donation Counts By $50 Increments (Fiscal Years)

Donations - Yearly Donation Totals By $50 Increments

Donations - Yearly Donation Totals By $50 Increments (Fiscal Years)

Extra Address - Basic Fields

Extra Address - Basic Fields, Grouped By Extra Address Code

Extra Address - Basic Fields, Grouped By Zip Code

Extra Address - Zip Code Counts

Header - 3-Year Comparison Of Year-To-Year Calendar Year Giving, Hard & Soft Totals, No HONOR/MEMOR

Header - 3-Year Comparison Of Year-To-Year Calendar Year Giving, Hard And Soft Totals

Header - 3-Year Comparison Of Year-To-Year Calendar Year Giving, With # of Donors and Donor Totals

Header - 3-Year Comparison Of Year-To-Year Calendar Year Giving, With Donor Totals

Header - 3-Year Comparison Of Year-To-Year Calendar Year TY Amounts, With Totals

Header - 3-Year Comparison Of Year-To-Year Fiscal Year Giving, Hard & Soft Totals, No HONOR/MEMOR

Header - 3-Year Comparison Of Year-To-Year Fiscal Year Giving, Hard And Soft Totals

Header - All Donors, Donation Totals Since 01/01/2017 In Descending Order

Header - All Donors, Lifetime Donation AND Outstanding Pledge Totals In Descending Order

Header - All Donors, Lifetime Donation Totals In Descending Order

Header - Birthdays By Month

Header - Calendar Year Totals And Donation Counts For Previous Two Years

Header - Calendar Year Totals And Donor Counts For Previous Two Years

Header - City Counts With Donation Totals

Header - City Groupings

Header - Comparison Of Hard And Soft Year-To-Year Giving By Calendar Year

Header - Comparison Of Hard And Soft Year-To-Year Giving By Fiscal Year

Header - Comparison Of Month-To-Month Giving, Calendar Year 1 Year Ago

Header - Comparison Of Month-To-Month Giving, Calendar Year 2 Years Ago

Header - Comparison Of Month-To-Month Giving, Calendar Year 3 Years Ago

Header - Comparison Of Month-To-Month Giving, Current Calendar Year

Header - Comparison Of Month-To-Month Giving, Current Calendar Year With Donor ID

Header - Comparison Of Month-To-Month Giving, Current Fiscal Year

Header - Comparison Of Month-To-Month Giving, Fiscal Year 1 Year Ago

Header - Comparison Of Month-To-Month Giving, Fiscal Year 2 Years Ago

Header - Comparison Of Month-To-Month Giving, Fiscal Year 3 Years Ago

Header - Comparison Of Total Giving In 365-Day Periods Starting From Today Going Back

Header - Comparison Of Year-To-Date Giving By Calendar Year

Header - Comparison Of Year-To-Month Giving By Calendar Year

Header - Comparison Of Year-To-Year Giving By Calendar Year

Header - Comparison Of Year-To-Year Giving By Calendar Year (10 Years)

Header - Comparison Of Year-To-Year Giving By Calendar Year, Volunteer Hours Only

Header - Comparison Of Year-To-Year Giving By Fiscal Year

Header - Complete Information On Each Donor

Header - Complete Information On Each Donor With Soft Credit Donations

Header - Constituent Name With Stored File List And Count

Header - Contact Listing

Header - Count Of Counties And States With Percentages

Header - Count Of Counties With Percentages

Header - Count Of Donor Types

Header - Count Of Donor Types With Percentages

Header - Count Of States With Percentages

Header - Current And Previous Calendar Year Donations, Sorted By Increase/Decrease With Detail

Header - Current And Previous Calendar Year Donations, Sorted By Increase/Decrease, With Counts

Header - Current And Previous Calendar Year Donations, Sorted By Zip With Detail

Header - Current And Previous Fiscal Year Donations, Sorted By Increase/Decrease With Detail

Header - Current And Previous Fiscal Year Donations, Sorted By Increase/Decrease, With Counts

Header - Current And Previous Fiscal Year Donations, Sorted By Zip With Detail

Header - Demographic Report, Individual Donors Only

Header - Donation And Pledge History Combined

Header - Donation And Pledge History Combined, Version 2

Header - Donation History Report, All Donations

Header - Donation History Report, All Donations Including Soft Credit Donations

Header - Donation History Report, All Donations Including Soft Credit Donations, Current/Past FY

Header - Donation History Report, Hard And Soft Credit Donations For Specific Date Range

Header - Donation History Report, Soft Credit Donations Received Only

Header - Donation History Report, With Address, 2 Most Recent Donations Only

Header - Donation History Report, With Address, No In-kinds

Header - Donation Receipts, All Donations For Current Calendar Year

Header - Donation Receipts, All Donations For Current Calendar Year, Letter Format

Header - Donation Receipts, All Donations For Donor

Header - Donation Receipts, Previous 90 Day's Donations Only

Header - Donation Receipts, Previous 90 Day's Donations Only, Letter Format

Header - Donation Receipts, Previous Month Donations Only

Header - Donation Receipts, Previous Month Donations Only, Letter Format

Header - Donation Receipts, Previous Year Donations Only

Header - Donation Receipts, Previous Year Donations Only, Letter Format

Header - Donor Name And Address And Total Hours (HR) Giving, Counts, Average

Header - Donor Name And Street Address

Header - Donor Name And Street Address For Duplicate Record Check

Header - Donor Name And Street Address Simplified

Header - Donor Name And Street Address With List Codes

Header - Donor Name And Street Address With Most Recent Donation Stimulus

Header - Donor Name, Address, Phone, EMail, Last Gift Info, List Codes

Header - Donor Report (Ranked) w/ Contact Info & Donation Total For A Specific Stimulus

Header - Envelopes (Using First + Last Name)

Header - Envelopes (Using Salutation1 & Extra Address Swapping by Time)

Header - Envelopes (Using Salutation1)

Header - Extra Address Report

Header - First/Latest/Largest

Header - Fiscal Year Totals And Donation Counts For Previous Two Years

Header - Fiscal Year Totals And Donor Counts For Previous Two Years

Header - Giving Increase (Decrease) For Current/Previous Calendar Year

Header - Giving Increase (Decrease) For Current/Previous Calendar Year, Ordered by Increase/Decrease

Header - Giving Increase (Decrease) For Current/Previous Fiscal Year

Header - Giving Increase (Decrease) For Current/Previous Fiscal Year, Ordered by Increase/Decrease

Header - Giving Increase (Decrease) For Previous Two Calendar Years

Header - Giving Increase (Decrease) For Previous Two Fiscal Years

Header - Honor/Memorial Report, All Memorials

Header - Honor/Memorial Report, All Memorials, No Amounts Shown

Header - Honor/Memorial Report, All Memorials, Total Amounts Only

Header - Honor/Memorial Report, All Memorials, Total Amounts Only, Page Eject

Header - Honor/Memorial Report, Specific Time Period

Header - Honor/Memorial Report, Specific Time Period, No Amounts Shown

Header - Honor/Memorial Report, Specific Time Period, Totals Only

Header - Honor/Memorial Report, Specific Time Period, Totals Only, Page Eject

Header - LYBUNT Report

Header - Last Two Calendar Years Of Donations, Sorted By Increase/Decrease With Detail

Header - Last Two Calendar Years Of Donations, Sorted By Increase/Decrease, With Counts

Header - Last Two Calendar Years Of Donations, Sorted By Zip With Detail

Header - Last Two Fiscal Years Of Donations, Sorted By Increase/Decrease With Detail

Header - Last Two Fiscal Years Of Donations, Sorted By Increase/Decrease, With Counts

Header - Last Two Fiscal Years Of Donations, Sorted By Zip With Detail

Header - Lifetime Donation Totals

Header - Lifetime Donation Totals With Pledges

Header - Lifetime Totals by Donor Type, Including Any Outstanding Pledge Balances

Header - Linked Donor Report, All Linkages For Donor

Header - Memo History Report

Header - New Donor Analysis - First Gift Within Past 365 Days, 2nd Gift Within 60 Days Of 1st

Header - New Donors Y-T-D

Header - New Money Donors, Based On Calendar Year

Header - New Money Donors, Based On Fiscal Year

Header - Notepad Report

Header - Phonathon Sheets

Header - Pledge History Report, All Pledges

Header - Pledge History Report, All Pledges Not Written Off

Header - SYBUNT Report

Header - Scheduled Contact Tickler Report By Donor

Header - Scheduled Contact Tickler Report By Donor - Most Recent Contact Only

Header - Solicitor Report

Header - Solicitor Report With Calendar Totals For Current And Past Three Years

Header - Solicitor Report With Fiscal Totals For Current And Past Three Years

Header - Telephone Report

Header - Telephone Report With Address

Header - Telephone Report With Address And First/Latest/Largest Donation

Header - Top 10 Donor Report

Header - Top 10 Donor Report For Current Calendar Year

Header - Top 10 Donor Report For Current Fiscal Year

Header - Top 10 Donor Report For Previous Calendar Year

Header - Top 10 Donor Report For Previous Fiscal Year

Header - Top 100 Donor Report

Header - Top 100 Donor Report For 2015

Header - Top 100 Donor Report For 2015 to Present

Header - Top 100 Donor Report For Current And Past One Calendar Year

Header - Top 100 Donor Report For Current And Past One Fiscal Year

Header - Top 100 Donor Report For Current And Past Three Calendar Years

Header - Top 100 Donor Report For Current And Past Three Fiscal Years

Header - Top 100 Donor Report For Current And Past Two Calendar Years

Header - Top 100 Donor Report For Current And Past Two Fiscal Years

Header - Top 100 Donor Report For Current Calendar Year

Header - Top 100 Donor Report For Current Fiscal Year

Header - Top 100 Donor Report For November And December Of Last Calendar Year

Header - Top 100 Donor Report For Previous Calendar Year

Header - Top 100 Donor Report For Previous Fiscal Year

Header - Top 1000 Donor Report

Header - Top 200 Donor Report For Past 12 Months

Header - Top 200 Donor Report For Past 18 Months

Header - Top 2000 Donor Report For Past 18 Months

Header - Top 300 Donor Report For Past 60 Months

Header - Top 5000 Donor Report

Header - Volunteer Hours - First & Last - Ordered by Last

Header - Zip Code Counts

Header - Zip Code Counts With Lifetime Donation Totals

Header - Zip Code Counts, Considering First 3 Digits Of Zip Code Only

Linkages - Linked Donor Report

Linkages - Linked Donor Report With Current Calendar Year Totals

Linkages - Solicitor Totals

Linkages - Solicitor Totals - Donations And Pledges For The Past 730 Days

Linkages - Solicitor Totals - Donations For The Past 730 Days

Memos - Grouped By Memo Code

Memos - Grouped By Memo Code - Summary

Memos - Memo Detail Report

Pledge Statements: All Outstanding Pledges

Pledge Statements: All Outstanding Pledges With ALL Payment History

Pledge Statements: All Outstanding Pledges With Payment History

Pledge Statements: Monthly Pledges

Pledge Statements: Monthly Pledges, With Payment History

Pledge Statements: Monthly, Windowed Envelopes

Pledge Statements: Monthly, Windowed Envelopes, With Payment History

Pledge Statements: Quarterly Pledges

Pledge Statements: Quarterly Pledges, With Payment History

Pledge Statements: Quarterly, Windowed Envelopes

Pledge Statements: Quarterly, Windowed Envelopes, With Payment History

Pledge Statements: Semester Pledges

Pledge Statements: Semester Pledges, With Payment History

Pledge Statements: Semester, Windowed Envelopes

Pledge Statements: Semester, Windowed Envelopes, With Payment History

Pledge Statements: Yearly Pledges

Pledge Statements: Yearly Pledges, With Payment History

Pledge Statements: Yearly, Windowed Envelopes

Pledge Statements: Yearly, Windowed Envelopes, With Payment History

Pledge Statements: Yearly, Windowed Envelopes, With Payment History And Payment Stub

Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For Current Fiscal Year

Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For Current Fiscal Year (Summary)

Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For Next Fiscal Year

Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For Next Fiscal Year (Summary)

Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For Next Year

Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For Next Year (Summary)

Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For The Year, 2 Years From Now

Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For The Year, 2 Years From Now (Summary)

Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For The Year, 3 Years From Now

Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For The Year, 3 Years From Now (Summary)

Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For The Year, 4 Years From Now

Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For The Year, 4 Years From Now (Summary)

Pledges - Cash Flow Projected/Actual From Pledges Current Year Jan-Jun

Pledges - Cash Flow Projected/Actual From Pledges Current Year Jan-Jun (Summary)

Pledges - Cash Flow Projected/Actual From Pledges Current Year July-December

Pledges - Cash Flow Projected/Actual From Pledges Current Year July-December (Summary)

Pledges - Cash Flow Projected/Actual From Pledges Last Year Jan-Jun

Pledges - Cash Flow Projected/Actual From Pledges Last Year Jan-Jun (Summary)

Pledges - Cash Flow Projected/Actual From Pledges Last Year July-December

Pledges - Cash Flow Projected/Actual From Pledges Last Year July-December (Summary)

Pledges - Grouped By Appeal

Pledges - Grouped By Fund

Pledges - Grouped By Payment Frequency

Pledges - Grouped By Payment Frequency - Summary

Pledges - Grouped By Stimulus

Pledges - Grouped By Stimulus - Summary

Pledges - Grouped By Type

Pledges - Grouped By Type - Summary

Pledges - Outstanding Pledges

Pledges - Past Due Pledges Only

Pledges - Pledge Detail Report

Pledges - Pledge Detail Report, No Subtotalling

Pledges - Pledge Payment Report

Pledges - Pledge Payment Report With Payments Due Over Next Six Months

Pledges - Pledge Receivables As They Were On A Specific Date

Pledges - Pledge Receivables At End Of Calendar Year, 1 Year Ago

Pledges - Pledge Receivables At End Of Calendar Year, 2 Years Ago

Pledges - Pledge Receivables At End Of Fiscal Year, 1 Year Ago

Pledges - Pledge Receivables At End Of Fiscal Year, 2 Years Ago

Pledges - Pledge Summary Report By Donor