Sample Contact Reports

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Sample Contact Reports

Report Menu Name

Contacts - By Year And Month



Designed to be used with a Contact-based Selection Result, this report layout will group contacts by year, and then by month within each year, based on the next contact date.


Contacts - By Year And Month



Report Menu Name

Contacts - By Year And Month, Subgrouped By Action



Designed to be used with a Contact-based Selection Result, this report layout will group contact action items and associated constituents by contact year and month.


Contacts - By Year And Month, Subgrouped By Action



Report Menu Name

Contacts - Grant Detail Report - All Grants By User



Designed to be run directly or used with a Contact-based Selection Result, this report layout will show all grant-coded contacts by the DonorQuest user account to which they are assigned. If run directly (outside of a selection result) this report will automatically show grant contacts, as given by the grant amount requested being greater than zero.


Contacts - Grant Detail Report - All Grants By User



Report Menu Name

Contacts - Grant Detail Report - All Grants By User, Open Grants Only



Designed to be run directly or used with a Contact-based Selection Result, this report layout will show all grant-coded contacts by the DonorQuest user account to which they are assigned. If run directly (outside of a selection result) this report will automatically show only grant contacts which are still open.


Contacts - Grant Detail Report - All Grants By User, Open Grants Only



Report Menu Name

Contacts - Grant Payment Report - Approved Grants Not Yet Paid Off



Designed to be run directly, this report layout will show all grant-coded contacts for grants which have been approved, but not yet fully funded. Normally this report is run directly (outside of a selection result) and it will automatically select grant contacts for which the grant amount requested is greater than zero, the grant status is set to "APPROVED", and the grant amount requested is greater than the amount paid to date.


Contacts - Grant Payment Report - Approved Grants Not Yet Paid Off



Report Menu Name

Contacts - Tickler Report By User



Designed to be used with a Contact-based Selection Result, this report layout will show contact detail by the DonorQuest user account to which each contact is assigned. The constituent's full name, address, and contact telephone numbers are shown. This report layout is typically used with a selection result which narrows the contacts down to those you wish to see for each user. For example, you might select contacts with next action dates coming up in the next week or month.


Contacts - Tickler Report By User



Report Menu Name

Contacts - Tickler Report By User, Open Contacts Only



Designed to be run directly or used with a Contact-based Selection Result, this report layout will show only open contacts by username.


Contacts - Tickler Report By User, Open Contacts Only



Report Menu Name

Contacts - User Counts



Designed to be run directly or used with a Contact-based Selection Result, this report layout will count the number of contacts each user has assigned to them.


Contacts - User Counts