Sample Linkage Reports

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Sample Linkage Reports

Report Menu Name

Linkages - Linked Donor Report



Designed to be used with a Linkage-based Selection Result, this report layout will show linkage detail by constituent.


Linkages - Linked Donor Report



Report Menu Name

Linkages - Linked Donor Report With Current Calendar Year Totals



Designed to be used with a Linkage-based Selection Result, this report layout will show linkage detail by constituent to include total giving in the current calendar year for each linked constituent.


Linkages - Linked Donor Report With Current Calendar Year Totals



Report Menu Name

Linkages - Solicitor Totals



Designed to be used with a Linkage-based Selection Result of solicitor linkages (normal coded as "SOLTOR" in the linkage code), this report layout will show total revenue and total promised (pledged) revenue by donor for each solicitor. Note that while there is a dedicated Solicitor field in each constituent's main (header) record which is sufficient for most organizations, the linkages facility in DonorQuest offers a more advanced of constituent solicitation in which each constituent may have multiple solicitors for different purposes.


Linkages - Solicitor Totals



Report Menu Name

Linkages - Solicitor Totals - Donations And Pledges For The Past 730 Days



This is a variation on the, "Linkages - Solicitor Totals" report which has the same layout but limits donations and pledges shown to just those from the past 730 days from the date the report is run.


Linkages - Solicitor Totals - Donations And Pledges For The Past 730 Days



Report Menu Name

Linkages - Solicitor Totals - Donations For The Past 730 Days



This is a variation on the, "Linkages - Solicitor Totals - Donations And Pledges For The Past 730 Days" report which only shows donation history for the past 730 days.


Linkages - Solicitor Totals - Donations For The Past 730 Days