Writing Off Pledges

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Writing Off Pledges

System, Write Off Pledges


When pledges are not fulfilled as promised, they should eventually be written off so that the donor will not receive any additional payment reminders, and the remaining pledge balance will no longer show up on the DonorQuest revenue forecasting reports. To write off pledges, click on System, Write Off Pledges. You will be asked to enter the number of days past the closing date to allow before writing off a pledge:


Writing Off Pledges


Generally 180 is sufficient, but this depends on the preferences of your organization. Generally if it has been 180 days past the ending date set for a pledge to be paid by, and the pledge remains unpaid, it is unlikely it will be fulfilled. However some organizations prefer to give donors a year or more past the end date of a pledge to make good on an unpaid pledge.


When a pledge is written off, it still remains in the donor's account, showing the original promised amount, and how much (if anything) was actually paid.


While this operation is not technically a system maintenance operation, it is placed here because it is an operation which can make sweeping data changes, and is therefore reserved for those DonorQuest users who's user rights allow them an elevated level of access to the database via the System menu.