Remove Archived Donors From Active Area

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Remove Archived Donors From Active Area

System, Remove Archived Donors From Active Area


The COPY command of the Main Information window allows you to copy all information about a donor to the Archive dataset of DonorQuest. Normally, you should delete a donor after creating a copy of their information in the Archive area, so that they do not exist in both places at once. If you do not delete them, then you will have a copy of their information in both the Donor dataset (where all your active donor information is stored) and the Archive dataset. The System, Remove Archived Donors From Donor Active Area option will search through the donor dataset, deleting those donors who have been copied to the archive dataset, but have not been deleted from the donor dataset.


Warning: If you archive a donor and then add new information (such as a new donation) to their history, the new information will be lost if you run this process without first de-archiving the donor, adding the new information, and then re-archiving them. To de-archive a donor, you must look them up in the Archive dataset and copy them back to the Donor dataset. If you are de-archiving a donor solely for the purpose of making a change to their history, and you plan to immediately re-archive them, then you can save yourself this step by making the change to the donor's history directly in the Archive dataset. To do this, temporarily change the default dataset to be Archive by clicking on File, Open, Archive. When you are finished working in the Archive dataset, you can switch back to the Donor database by clicking on File, Open, Donors.