System Maintenance

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System Maintenance



Most system maintenance features apply only if you are running the in-house version of DonorQuest, but a few are still relevant in the online version.


Most System Maintenance operations are designed to keep DonorQuest running smoothly. Some are designed to repair problems which can occur if you are running DonorQuest on a network and you are not using the client/server mode of operation DonorQuest offers. If you are running DonorQuest on a network and have a large database (and/or a very slow network), you should enable the client/server mode of operation by activating the DonorQuest Server Component. This will move all data-intensive operations to the file server where they can be most efficiently and securely implemented. If you are not running the DonorQuest Server component, and you are using DonorQuest on a network, you are requiring DonorQuest to move a lot of information across the network connection between your workstation and the file server. Depending on the speed of your Local Area Network, this is ok for fairly small donor databases less than 80,000 donors or so, but for larger databases you should consider engaging the DonorQuest Server Component.