Introduction To DonorQuest

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Introduction To DonorQuest



DonorQuest is designed to meet the donation tracking and fundraising needs of nonprofit organizations. Besides acting as a complete donor and prospect mail list manager, DonorQuest is able to maintain all the information you need about current and potential contributors. DonorQuest comes with many useful reports and a selection facility that allows you to perform a selection (filter) as broad or as specific as you need. Together these two essential features allow you to perform a selection about the specific gifts and giving patterns of your contributors and respond to these gifts and giving patterns with specialized thank-you letters and tightly targeted campaign mailings. For example, you may reach out to donors who have lapsed, current donors, top givers, radius centered on a specific zip code, etc. There is also a comprehensive donor contact management facility with date-based reminders.


Beyond these critical features, DonorQuest is also capable of running on a multi-user in-house network, or it may be completely cloud-based. This will allow multiple users to perform data entry and reporting operations simultaneously. You could have many users entering donations, running reports, etc., all at the same time. Whether you are running DonorQuest strictly in-house with your own file server, or using our cloud service, the interface and features are the same. So this user's guide applies to both, and anything you learn in one will be the same if your organization starts with the in-house version, and eventually transitions to the cloud service (or vice-versa). DonorQuest may even be run as a traditional desktop application on a single computer, requiring neither an in-house network and file server, nor an Internet connection. Again, all these product variations are offered with the same user interface, so anything you learn in one directly applies to the others.


Whether or not you're running on a network or in the cloud, DonorQuest offers optional password security. If you choose to use this feature, then one or more people in your organization will be responsible for maintaining user accounts for DonorQuest. When a user starts DonorQuest, he or she will be asked to enter their user name and password. If DonorQuest does not know the person trying to access the database, he/she will not be allowed in. Once in DonorQuest, each user will be limited in the level of access they will have to sensitive data, depending on how their user account was set up.


With the ability to create custom reports, exports, forms, and data fields, DonorQuest may also be expanded to accommodate many specific needs your organization may have that are beyond the original design of DonorQuest. For example, the biographical records could be expanded to include information about extended family members, table seating at special events, additional data from 3rd-party vendors, etc.