Remove Intervening Blank List Codes

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Remove Intervening Blank List Codes

Remove Intervening Blank List Codes


DonorQuest has ten dedicated list code fields used to store donor source code or "tag" information. Normally, additional list codes are added to each donor account starting with List1, List2, List3, etc. Over time, some of the list codes for donors may be intentionally blanked out (effectively removing them), resulting in intervening blank list codes. Clicking on System, Remove Intervening Blank List Codes will process all donor records, removing any blank list codes which occur. For example, consider a donor with the following list codes:


Main Info Form - Constituency tab For List Compaction (Part 1)


After removing intervening blank list codes, the donor's list codes would be as follows:


Main Info Form - Constituency tab For List Compaction (Part 2)