Renew Pledges Due For Renewal

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Renew Pledges Due For Renewal

System, Renew Pledges Due For Renewal


The Renew Pledges Due For Renewal option will scan all pledge records for all donor accounts. All pledges that have expired and qualify for renewal will be renewed by this process. When pledges are renewed, a new and identical pledge is created (leaving the existing one intact), with new begin and end dates which span the same amount of time as the original pledge. The renewal process is convenient when using the pledge facility to accommodate recurring payments, such as annual membership dues for special clubs or associations. A given pledge will qualify for renewal if:


1. The Renew checkbox for the pledge is turned on.

2. The pledge has not been previously renewed.


To run this process, click on System, Renew Pledges Due For Renewal. While this operation is not technically a system maintenance operation, it is placed here because it is an operation which can make sweeping data changes, and is therefore reserved for those DonorQuest users who's user rights allow them an elevated level of access to the database via the System menu.