Sample Donation Reports (Part 1)

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Sample Donation Reports (Part 1)

Report Menu Name

Donations - Amount And Count By State With Percentage



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show a total and gift count by state, along with a percentage of all gifts each state has for all the gifts included in the report. In this example, a selection was run for all monetary donations, and used with the report.


Donations - Amount And Count By State With Percentage


Report Menu Name

Donations - Analysis of Proceeds and Return Rates Based On Donation Stimulus Codes



This report layout is a bit of an anomaly, designed to help some of our customers who chose a novel approach to tracking returns from campaign mailings. They would mass add a donation of zero amount for each constituent receiving a particular campaign mailing (given by the donation stimulus code). After all donations had come in for a given campaign, then would run this report, then select and mass delete all the remaining zero donations for the campaign. While this approach certainly works, the preferred way to track returns is to use the solicitation tracking feature in DonorQuest.


Donations - Analysis of Proceeds and Return Rates Based On Donation Stimulus Codes



Report Menu Name

Donations - Analysis of Proceeds and Return Rates From Solicitation Letters Sent



This is a variation on the, "Donations - Analysis of Proceeds and Return Rates Based On Donation Stimulus Codes" report, showing return rates by the solicitation letter sent.


Donations - Analysis of Proceeds and Return Rates From Solicitation Letters Sent



Report Menu Name

Donations - Campaign Summary



Designed to be run directly or used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show total revenue by campaign (donation stimulus), along with the total number of gifts, and an average gift amount for each campaign code.


Donations - Campaign Summary(Report)



Report Menu Name

Donations - Campaign Summary (Non-Dollar Gifts)



Designed to be run directly or used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show total giving campaign (donation stimulus) for non-monetary donations, such as hours of time volunteered. Also shown are the total number of gifts, and an average gift amount for each campaign code.


Donations - Campaign Summary (Non-Dollar Gifts)



Report Menu Name

Donations - Comparison of Giving for each Stimulus and Donor for 5 Calendar Years - Summary



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show total giving for each constituent for the current and past four calendar years by donation stimulus. A total for the five years is also shown. Normally you would run a donation-based selection for just the Stimulus codes you wish to report on and use it with this report layout.


Donations - Comparison of Giving for each Stimulus and Donor for 5 Calendar Years - Summary



Report Menu Name

Donations - Comparison of Giving for each Stimulus and Donor for 5 Fiscal Years - Summary



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show total giving for each constituent for the current and past four fiscal years by donation stimulus. A total for the five years is also shown. Normally you would run a donation-based selection for just the Stimulus codes you wish to report on and use it with this report layout.


Donations - Comparison of Giving for each Stimulus and Donor for 5 Fiscal Years - Summary




Report Menu Name

Donations - Comparison of Giving for each Stimulus for 5 Calendar Years - Summary



Designed to be run directly or used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show total giving by donation stimulus for the current and past four calendar years by donation stimulus. A total for the five years is also shown.


Donations - Comparison of Giving for each Stimulus for 5 Calendar Years - Summary



Report Menu Name

Donations - Comparison of Giving for each Stimulus for 5 Fiscal Years - Summary



Designed to be run directly or used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show total giving by donation stimulus for the current and past four calendar years by donation stimulus. A total for the five years is also shown.


Donations - Comparison of Giving for each Stimulus for 5 Fiscal Years - Summary



Report Menu Name

Donations - Comparison Of Year-To-Year Giving By Calendar Year



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show total revenue by constituent for the current and past four calendar years.


Donations - Comparison Of Year-To-Year Giving By Calendar Year



Report Menu Name

Donations - Comparison Of Year-To-Year Giving By Fiscal Year



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show total revenue by constituent for the current and past four fiscal years.


Donations - Comparison Of Year-To-Year Giving By Fiscal Year



Report Menu Name

Donations - Comparison Of Year-To-Year Giving By Fiscal Year With Totals



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show total revenue by constituent for the current and past four fiscal years, along with a total for the five years.


Donations - Comparison Of Year-To-Year Giving By Fiscal Year With Totals



Report Menu Name

Donations - Count And Total Of Donations By Zip With Percentages



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show total revenue by 5-digit zip code, along with the number of donations for each constituent, and the percentage of all donations included in the report each count represents. The report will automatically filter out non-monetary donations, so the count percentage may not always be 100, depending on the combination of donation types in the selection result you use with the report.


Donations - Count And Total Of Donations By 5-Digit Zip With Percentages



Report Menu Name

Donations - Count And Total Of Donations By County With Percentages



Designed to be run directly or used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show total revenue by County, along with the number of donations in each county, and the percentage of all donations included in the report each count represents.


Donations - Count And Total Of Donations By County With Percentages



Report Menu Name

Donations - Count And Total Of Donations By Donor Type With Percentages



Designed to be run directly or used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show total revenue by Donor Type, along with the number of donations in each type, and the percentage of all donations included in the report each count represents.


Donations - Count And Total Of Donations By Donor Type With Percentages




Report Menu Name

Donations - Count And Total Of Donations By Giving Entity With Percentages



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show total revenue by Giving Entity (either the personal name, or organization name for non-individual constituents), along with the number of donations for each constituent, and the percentage of all donations included in the report each count represents.


Donations - Count And Total Of Donations By Giving Entity With Percentages




Report Menu Name

Donations - Count And Total Of Donations By Zip With Percentages



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show total revenue by complete (9-digit) zip code, along with the number of donations for each constituent, and the percentage of all donations included in the report each count represents. The report will automatically filter out non-monetary donations, so the count percentage may not always be 100, depending on the combination of donation types in the selection result you use with the report.


Donations - Count And Total Of Donations By Zip With Percentages



Report Menu Name

Donations - Count Of Gifts In Dollar Ranges By Calendar Year



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will count the number of donations in five specific amount ranges by calendar year.


Donations - Count Of Gifts In Dollar Ranges By Calendar Year



Report Menu Name

Donations - Count Of Gifts In Dollar Ranges By Calendar Year And Week



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will count the number of donations in five specific amount ranges by calendar year and week. The example shown below is of the last page of the report, showing totals.


Donations - Count Of Gifts In Dollar Ranges By Calendar Year And Week



Report Menu Name

Donations - Count Of Gifts In Dollar Ranges By Fiscal Year



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will count the number of donations in five specific amount ranges by fiscal year.


Donations - Count Of Gifts In Dollar Ranges By Fiscal Year



Report Menu Name

Donations - Count Of Gifts In Dollar Ranges By Fiscal Year And Week



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will count the number of donations in five specific amount ranges by calendar year and week. The example shown below is of the last page of the report, showing totals.


Donations - Count Of Gifts In Dollar Ranges By Fiscal Year And Week



Report Menu Name

Donations - Dollar Totals Of Gifts In Dollar Ranges By Calendar Year



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show total revenue by calendar year for donations in five dollar ranges.


Donations - Dollar Totals Of Gifts In Dollar Ranges By Calendar Year



Report Menu Name

Donations - Dollar Totals Of Gifts In Dollar Ranges By Calendar Year And Week



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show total revenue by calendar year and week for donations in five dollar ranges.


Donations - Dollar Totals Of Gifts In Dollar Ranges By Calendar Year And Week



Report Menu Name

Donations - Dollar Totals Of Gifts In Dollar Ranges By Fiscal Year



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show total revenue by fiscal year for donations in five dollar ranges.


Donations - Dollar Totals Of Gifts In Dollar Ranges By Fiscal Year



Report Menu Name

Donations - Dollar Totals Of Gifts In Dollar Ranges By Fiscal Year And Week



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show total revenue by fiscal year and week for donations in five dollar ranges.


Donations - Dollar Totals Of Gifts In Dollar Ranges By Fiscal Year And Week



Report Menu Name

Donations - Donation Detail Report



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will group and subtotal donations by constituent. It is one of the most often used donation reports in DonorQuest.


Donations - Donation Detail Report



Report Menu Name

Donations - Donation Detail Report - Ordered By Donation Date



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show all donations in chronological order, independent of the donor account they belong to.


Donations - Donation Detail Report - Ordered By Donation Date



Report Menu Name

Donations - Donation Detail Report - Totals Only



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will simply show totals by the donor account they belong to.


Donations - Donation Detail Report - Totals Only



Report Menu Name

Donations - Donation Detail Report For Soft Credit Monetary Donations Only



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will group soft credit donations by the soft credit recipients they have been credited to. A subtotal is shown for each soft credit recipient. The report will automatically omit donations which have no soft credit assignment, even if they are in the selection result you use with the report.


Donations - Donation Detail Report For Soft Credit Monetary Donations Only - 1


Donations - Donation Detail Report For Soft Credit Monetary Donations Only - 2



Report Menu Name

Donations - Donation Detail Report Including Alternate Unit Donations



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show Alternate Unit donations, grouped and subtotaled by the donor accounts they belong to. Alternate unit donations are donation of non-monetary type, like hours of time, pounds of food donated, etc. Since it would make no sense to mix together donations of hours, food, money, etc. (especially when totalling the amounts), it is important that the selection you use with the report contain only donations of a single type. The sample report below shows only donations of time.


Donations - Donation Detail Report Including Alternate Unit Donations



Report Menu Name

Donations - Donation Detail Report Including Alternate Unit Donations - Totals Only



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show Alternate Unit donations, grouped and subtotaled by the donor accounts they belong to. Only a total and count are shown for each donor, along with a grand total. Alternate unit donations are donation of non-monetary type, like hours of time, pounds of food donated, etc. Since it would make no sense to mix together donations of hours, food, money, etc. (especially when totalling the amounts), it is important that the selection you use with the report contain only donations of a single type. The sample report below shows only donations of time.


Donations - Donation Detail Report Including Alternate Unit Donations - Totals Only



Report Menu Name

Donations - Donation Detail Report With Addresses



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will group and subtotal donations by donor, showing the full mailing address and email address of each donor in a vertical mailing label-style format.


Donations - Donation Detail Report With Addresses - 1
Donations - Donation Detail Report With Addresses - 2



Report Menu Name

Donations - Donation Detail Report With Addresses - Totals Only



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this is a variation on the, "Donations - Donation Detail Report With Addresses" report layout which shows the full mailing address of each donor, but only their donation total for all the donations in the selection result you print the report from.


Donations - Donation Detail Report With Addresses - Totals Only



Report Menu Name

Donations - Donation Detail Report With Addresses Including Alternate Unit Donations



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show Alternate Unit donations, grouped and subtotaled by the donor accounts they belong to. Full donation detail is shown in addition to subtotals by donor.


Donations - Donation Detail Report With Addresses Including Alternate Unit Donations



Report Menu Name

Donations - Donation Detail Report With Addresses Including Alternate Unit Donations - Totals Only



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show Alternate Unit donations, grouped and subtotaled by the donor accounts they belong to. Only subtotals are shown for each donor.


Donations - Donation Detail Report With Addresses Including Alternate Unit Donations - Totals Only



Report Menu Name

Donations - Donation Detail Report With Totals And Counts By Donor



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this is a variation on the basic, "Donations - Donation Detail Report" which includes a count of the number of donations being reported on for each donor.


Donations - Donation Detail Report With Totals And Counts By Donor



Report Menu Name

Donations - Donation Detail Report, Subtotals by Calendar Year



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show subtotals by calendar year for each donor, a subtotal by donor, and a grand total of all donations selected for reporting on the last page.


Donations - Donation Detail Report, Subtotals by Calendar Year
Donations - Donation Detail Report, Subtotals by Calendar Year - 2


Report Menu Name

Donations - Donation Summary Report



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show a total and donation count for each donor.


Donations - Donation Summary Report



Report Menu Name

Donations - Donor Name, Phone, Donation Amount And Stimulus



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation detail, a subtotal for each donor, and the main contact number for each donor.


Donations - Donor Name, Phone, Donation Amount And Stimulus



Report Menu Name

Donations - Donor Name, Phone, Donation Amount And Stimulus, Ordered By Current Cal Year's Total



This is a variation of the, "Donations - Donor Name, Phone, Donation Amount And Stimulus" which includes total giving for the current calendar year.


Donations - Donor Name, Phone, Donation Amount And Stimulus, Ordered By Current Cal Year's Total



Report Menu Name

Donations - Donor Name, Phone, Donation Amount And Stimulus, Ordered By Prev Cal Year's Total Giving



This is a variation of the, "Donations - Donor Name, Phone, Donation Amount And Stimulus" which includes total giving for the previous calendar year.


Donations - Donor Name, Phone, Donation Amount And Stimulus, Ordered By Prev Cal Year's Total Giving



Report Menu Name

Donations - Donor Report (Ranked) w/ Contact Info & Donation Totals



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show a ranked report of donations from largest to smallest. The selection used with this report should focus on very large single donations, restricted by time (such as the previous month) or some other factor which will likely yield one gift per donor. This report is meant to showcase single gifts from your top donors, and it includes a lot of other information about each donor, handy to have if you plan to call the donors personally to thank them for their exceptional generosity.


Donations - Donor Report (Ranked) with Contact Info & Donation Totals



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped And Totaled By Month/Year, Subgrouped And Totaled By Stimulus



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation detail and totals by year and month, and subtotals within that by Donation Stimulus.


Donations - Grouped And Totaled By Month-Year, Subgrouped And Totaled By Stimulus



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By 5-Digit Zip Code



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation detail, along with donation amount subtotals and counts within each 5-digits zip code. This report is compatible with all types of donations, so be sure and limit you selection to either monetary gifts, or a specific alternate unit type (such as volunteer hours).


Donations - Grouped By 5-Digit Zip Code



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By 5-Digit Zip Code - Summary



This is a variation on the, "Donations - Grouped By 5-Digit Zip Code" report which shows only the totals.


Donations - Grouped By 5-Digit Zip Code - Summary



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Account



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation detail, subtotaled by Donation Account.


Donations - Grouped By Account



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Account - Summary



This is a variation of the, "Donations - Grouped By Account" report, showing only totals for each Donation Account.


Donations - Grouped By Account - Summary



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Account, Ordered By Constituent Name Within Account



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation detail and subtotals of donation amount and counts within each donation account. The donor's name is also included with the donation detail.


Donations - Grouped By Account, Ordered By Constituent Name Within Account



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Account, Subtotaled By Month And Year



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation detail totalled by donation account and subtotaled within account by the month and year of the donation date. Also included is the name of the donor to which each donation belongs.


Donations - Grouped By Account, Subtotaled By Month And Year



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Account, Subtotalled by Fund



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation detail totalled by donation account and subtotaled within account by donation fund. Also included is the name of the donor to which each donation belongs.


Donations - Grouped By Account, Subtotalled by Fund



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Account, Subtotalled by Fund, Totals Only



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show just the totals from the, "Donations - Grouped By Account, Subtotalled by Fund" report.


Donations - Grouped By Account, Subtotalled by Fund, Totals Only



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Account, Subtotalled by Stimulus



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation detail totalled by donation account and subtotaled within account by donation stimulus. Also included is the name of the donor to which each donation belongs.


Donations - Grouped By Account, Subtotalled by Stimulus


Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Account, Subtotalled by Stimulus, Totals Only



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show just the totals from the, "Donations - Grouped By Account, Subtotalled by Stimulus" report.


Donations - Grouped By Account, Subtotalled by Stimulus, Totals Only



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Appeal



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation detail with subtotals by donation appeal.


Donations - Grouped By Appeal



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Appeal - Summary



Designed to be run directly or used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will subtotals for each donation appeal.


Donations - Grouped By Appeal - Summary



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Appeal - Summary - Current And Past 2 Fiscal Years Only



Designed to be run directly or used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show total giving by Donation Appeal for the current and past two fiscal years. A difference column between the current and previous fiscal year is also shown.


Donations - Grouped By Appeal - Summary - Current And Past 2 Fiscal Years Only



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Calendar Year



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation detail and subtotals by calendar year.


Donations - Grouped By Calendar Year



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Calendar Year - Summary



Designed to be run directly or used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show total income by year plus gift counts for both monetary and in-kind donations.


Donations - Grouped By Calendar Year - Summary



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By County



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation detail and subtotals by county.


Donations - Grouped By County



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By County - Summary



Designed to be run directly or used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show only donation amount totals and counts by county.


Donations - Grouped By County - Summary



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Date



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation detail and totals for each day.


Donations - Grouped By Date



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Date - Summary



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show totals for each day.


Donations - Grouped By Date - Summary



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Day/Month/Year



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation detail and subtotals by the day of the month, within each month and year. In the example below we see there were four donations on March 31st, 2017, and they are all grouped together and subtotaled.


Donations - Grouped By Day-Month-Year



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Day/Month/Year - Summary



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show only totals by day of the month within each month and year.


Donations - Grouped By Day-Month-Year - Summary



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Donation Amounts, With Counts



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation detail and actually group donations by amount, showing subtotals and counts of all donations of the same amount.


Donations - Grouped By Donation Amounts, With Counts



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Donation Type



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation detail and subtotals by Donation Type. Donations are shown strictly in chronological order within each Donation Type, so the donations for each donor will not necessarily be consecutive. If you wish donations to be subordered by donor, use the, "Donations - Grouped By Donation Type, Subordered By Giving Entity" report layout instead.


Donations - Grouped By Donation Type



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Donation Type - Summary



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show subtotals by Donation Type.


Donations - Grouped By Donation Type - Summary



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Donation Type, Subordered By Giving Entity



This is a variation on the, "Donations - Grouped By Donation Type" report which suborders donations by donor name within each donation type, so the donations for each donor with a given donation type will be consecutive.


Donations - Grouped By Donation Type, Subordered By Giving Entity



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Donor And Fund - Summary



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show totals and counts for each donor, and within each donor, donations are grouped and subtotaled by Donation Fund.


Donations - Grouped By Donor And Fund - Summary



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Donor Name With Address, Donation Totals, Counts, And Averages



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show monetary totals and gift counts by donor name, along with their average gift. Note that the totals and average gift amount reflect only those gifts included in the selection result you use with the report.


Donations - Grouped By Donor Name With Address, Donation Totals, Counts, And Averages



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Donor Name With Calendar Year Totals And Counts



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show monetary totals and gift counts for the current and past two calendar years.


Donations - Grouped By Donor Name With Calendar Year Totals And Counts



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Donor Name With Donation Totals, Counts, And Averages



This is a simplified version of the, "Donations - Grouped By Donor Name With Address, Donation Totals, Counts, And Averages" report. It will show monetary totals and gift counts by donor name, along with their average gift. Note that the totals and average gift amount reflect only those gifts included in the selection result you use with the report.


Donations - Grouped By Donor Name With Donation Totals, Counts, And Averages



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Donor Name With Fiscal Year Totals And Counts



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show monetary totals and gift counts for the current and past two fiscal years.


Donations - Grouped By Donor Name With Fiscal Year Totals And Counts



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Donor Type



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation detail and subtotals by Donor Type. Within Donor Type, donations will be grouped by the donor to which they belong.


Donations - Grouped By Donor Type



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Donor Type - Summary



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show only totals and counts of donations by Donor Type.


Donations - Grouped By Donor Type - Summary



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Donor Type With Calendar Year Totals And Counts



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show subtotals and donation counts for the current and past two calendar years by Donor Type.


Donations - Grouped By Donor Type With Calendar Year Totals And Counts



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Donor Type With Fiscal Year Totals And Counts



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show subtotals and donation counts for the current and past two fiscal years by Donor Type.



Donations - Grouped By Donor Type With Fiscal Year Totals And Counts



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Donor Type, Subtotaled by Donation Type



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation detail and totals by Donor Type, and subtotals by Donation Type within each Donor Type. Within each Donor Type, donations are ordered by donor name.


Donations - Grouped By Donor Type, Subtotaled by Donation Type



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Fiscal Year



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation detail grouped and totalled by Fiscal Year.


Donations - Grouped By Fiscal Year



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Fiscal Year + Appeal - Summary



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation totals and counts by Fiscal Year and Donation Appeal.


Donations - Grouped By Fiscal Year + Appeal - Summary



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Fiscal Year + Stimulus, Subgrouped by TY code



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show totals, counts, and average gift amount by fiscal year and donation stimulus. Within year and stimulus, donations will be subtotaled and counted by donation TY (thank-you) code.


Donations - Grouped By Fiscal Year + Stimulus, Subgrouped by TY code



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Fiscal Year + Stimulus, Subgrouped by TY code, Summary



This is a summary version of the, "Donations - Grouped By Fiscal Year + Stimulus, Subgrouped by TY code", showing only totals.


Donations - Grouped By Fiscal Year + Stimulus, Subgrouped by TY code, Summary



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Fiscal Year - Alternate Unit Donations - Summary



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show totals and counts for alternate unit (non-monetary) donations by fiscal year.


Donations - Grouped By Fiscal Year - Alternate Unit Donations - Summary



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Fiscal Year - Summary



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show monetary totals, counts, and average gift amount by fiscal year.


Donations - Grouped By Fiscal Year - Summary



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Fiscal Year and Stimulus



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation detail with totals and counts for each unique combination of fiscal year and donation stimulus.


Donations - Grouped By Fiscal Year and Stimulus



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Fund



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation detail with totals and counts by donation fund.


Donations - Grouped By Fund



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Fund - 1st Quarter Current and Previous 2 Years - Summary



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation totals and counts for each donation fund for the first quarter of the current and previous two calendar years.


Donations - Grouped By Fund - 1st Quarter Current and Previous 2 Years - Summary



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Fund - 2nd Quarter Current and Previous 2 Years - Summary



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation totals and counts for each donation fund for the second quarter of the current and previous two calendar years.


Donations - Grouped By Fund - 2nd Quarter Current and Previous 2 Years - Summary



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Fund - 3rd Quarter Current and Previous 2 Years - Summary



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation totals and counts for each donation fund for the third quarter of the current and previous two calendar years.


Donations - Grouped By Fund - 3rd Quarter Current and Previous 2 Years - Summary



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Fund - 4th Quarter Current and Previous 2 Years - Summary



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation totals and counts for each donation fund for the fourth quarter of the current and previous two calendar years.


Donations - Grouped By Fund - 4th Quarter Current and Previous 2 Years - Summary



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Fund - Summary



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show a total and count of donations by fund.


Donations - Grouped By Fund - Summary



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Fund - Summary With Donation And Donor Counts



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show a total and count of donations by fund, and it will also show how many donors gave for each fund.


Donations - Grouped By Fund - Summary With Donation And Donor Counts



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Fund Code Description



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation detail and totals grouped by the full description of each donation fund, rather than simply the fund code.


Donations - Grouped By Fund Code Description



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Giver, Showing Soft Credit Recipient (If Any)



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation detail and both the name of the actual giver of each donation as well as the constituent receiving soft credit for the donation if the donation has been soft credited.


Donations - Grouped By Giver, Showing Soft Credit Recipient (If Any)



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Month, Subgrouped By Stimulus



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show totals and counts for donation by month (regardless of year), and subtotals within each month by donation stimulus.


Donations - Grouped By Month, Subgrouped By Stimulus



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Month/Year



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation detail with amounts and counts subtotaled by month and year.


Donations - Grouped By Month-Year



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Month/Year & Donor Type - Summary



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will just donation totals and counts for each unique year, month, and donor type combination.


Donations - Grouped By Month-Year & Donor Type - Summary



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Month/Year - Summary



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show just donation totals and counts for each unique calendar year and month combination.


Donations - Grouped By Month-Year - Summary



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Organization Name And Account



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result of organizational (non-individual) donors, this report layout will show donation detail with totals and counts for each organization, and a subtotal by donation account for each organization.


Donations - Grouped By Organization Name And Account



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By State



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation detail with amount and count subtotals by State. Donations will then be ordered by donor name within each state.


Donations - Grouped By State



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By State - Summary



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation totals and counts for each state. This report does not filter by donation type so the selection you use with this report should either have only monetary donations, or alternate unit donations of a specific type.


Donations - Grouped By State - Summary



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Stimulus



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation detail with totals and counts for each Stimulus. Donations are subsorted in chronological order within each Stimulus.


Donations - Grouped By Stimulus



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Stimulus - Code Description



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation detail with totals and counts for each the full description of each Stimulus code. Donations are subsorted in chronological order within each Stimulus.



Donations - Grouped By Stimulus - Code Description



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Stimulus - Summary



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show only donation amount totals and counts within each Stimulus.


Donations - Grouped By Stimulus - Summary