Sample Donation Reports (Part 2)

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Sample Donation Reports (Part 2)

Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Stimulus - Summary With Averages



Designed to be run directly or used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show the donation total, count, and average amount for each Stimulus. The report will only include monetary donations.


Donations - Grouped By Stimulus - Summary With Averages



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Stimulus And Donor - Summary



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation totals and counts for each donor within each stimulus.


Donations - Grouped By Stimulus And Donor - Summary



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Stimulus And Donor - Summary (for file output only)



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout serves as an example of how to format a report which is intended to be written to a file. It has only column headings and data rows, but no page headings, footers, or margins.


Donations - Grouped By Stimulus And Donor - Summary (for file output only)



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Stimulus With Monthly Totals In Columns



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show total amounts and counts for each Stimulus, and it will also show total giving by month for each stimulus.


Donations - Grouped By Stimulus With Monthly Totals In Columns



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Stimulus, Subgrouped By Appeal



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation detail with amounts and counts totaled by Stimulus, and subtotaled by Appeal.


Donations - Grouped By Stimulus, Subgrouped By Appeal



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Stimulus, Subgrouped By Appeal - Code Descriptions



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation detail with amounts and counts totaled by the Stimulus Code Description, and subtotaled by the Appeal Code Description.


Donations - Grouped By Stimulus, Subgrouped By Appeal - Code Descriptions



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Stimulus, Subgrouped By Appeal - Code Descriptions - Summary



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show only totals and counts by the Stimulus Code Description, and subtotaled by the Appeal Code Description.


Donations - Grouped By Stimulus, Subgrouped By Appeal - Code Descriptions - Summary



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Stimulus, Subgrouped By Appeal - Summary



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show only totals and counts by the Stimulus Code, and subtotaled by Appeal Code.


Donations - Grouped By Stimulus, Subgrouped By Appeal - Summary



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Stimulus, Subgrouped By Donation Type



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation detail with amounts and counts totaled by Donation Stimulus, and subtotaled by the Donation Type.


Donations - Grouped By Stimulus, Subgrouped By Donation Type



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Stimulus, Subgrouped By Donor Name



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation detail with amounts and counts totaled by Donation Stimulus, and subtotaled by Donor Name.


Donations - Grouped By Stimulus, Subsorted By Donor Name



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Stimulus, Subsorted By Amount



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation detail with amounts and counts totaled by Donation Stimulus, and subsorted by Donation Amount.


Donations - Grouped By Stimulus, Subsorted By Amount



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Stimulus, Subsorted By Donor Name



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation detail with amounts and counts totaled by Donation Stimulus, and subsorted by Donor Name.


Donations - Grouped By Stimulus, Subsorted By Donor Name


Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By TY Code



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation detail with amounts and counts totaled by the donation TY code description.


Donations - Grouped By TY Code



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By TY Code- Summary



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show just donation totals and counts for each donation TY code.


Donations - Grouped By TY Code- Summary



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Year + Stimulus, Subgrouped by TY code



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation totals by donation Year and Stimulus, and subtotals by donation TY code.


Donations - Grouped By Year + Stimulus, Subgrouped by TY code



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Year + Stimulus, Subgrouped by TY code - Summary



Just the totals from the, "Donations - Grouped By Year + Stimulus, Subgrouped by TY code" shown above.


Donations - Grouped By Year + Stimulus, Subgrouped by TY code - Summary



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Year and Stimulus



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation detail with total amounts and counts by year and donation stimulus description.


Donations - Grouped By Year and Stimulus



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Year With Donor Name, Amount, Stimulus



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donations amounts by donor, and it will subtotal by calendar year for each donor.


Donations - Grouped By Year With Donor Name, Amount, Stimulus



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Zip Code



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation detail with total amounts and counts for each zip code. All digits of the zip code are considered.


Donations - Grouped By Zip Code



Report Menu Name

Donations - Grouped By Zip Code - Summary



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show just totals and counts by zip code. All digits of the zip code are considered.


Donations - Grouped By Zip Code - Summary



Report Menu Name

Donations - Number of DONORS Giving To Each Campaign



Designed to be run directly or used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will count the number of donors giving to each campaign (stimulus) code.


Donations - Number of DONORS Giving To Each Campaign



Report Menu Name

Donations - Pledge Payments For Calendar Year, 1 Year Ago



Designed to be run directly or used with a Donation-based Selection Result of donations applied as pledge payments, this report layout will show the pledge to which each donation has been applied as a payment.


Donations - Pledge Payments For Calendar Year, 1 Year Ago



Report Menu Name

Donations - Pledge Payments For Previous Month



Designed to be run directly or used with a Donation-based Selection Result of donations applied as pledge payments, this report layout will show the pledge to which each donation has been applied as a payment.


Donations - Pledge Payments For Previous Month



Report Menu Name

Donations - Previous Month Only



Designed to be run directly or used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show and subtotal all donations made available to the report by the donor to which they belong. If you run this report directly, it will automatically run a selection to find all the donations given in the previous month.


Donations - Previous Month Only



Report Menu Name

Donations - Previous Year Only



Designed to be run directly or used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show and subtotal all donations made available to the report by the donor to which they belong. If you run this report directly, it will automatically run a selection to find all the donations given in the previous calendar year.


Donations - Previous Year Only



Report Menu Name

Donations - Quarterly Giving Totals By Calendar Year



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show quarterly totals by calendar year for all donations of the selection, and also show a total for each year.


Donations - Quarterly Giving Totals By Calendar Year



Report Menu Name

Donations - Quarterly Giving Totals By Fiscal Year



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show quarterly totals by fiscal year for all donations of the selection, and also show a total for each year.


Donations - Quarterly Giving Totals By Fiscal Year



Report Menu Name

Donations - Recency / Frequency Report, 0-3 Month Donors



This report should only be run directly (outside of a selection result) as it runs a special selection required for the special features of the report automatically. This report will break monetary donations of the past 90 days down into amount range categories in increments of $10 all the way up to the top $100+ category. For each range category, the number of donations given as single gifts by the respective donor are counted in the column, "Single Gifts." For a gift to be counted in this column, the donor giving the gift must have only given one gift in the 90-day period. If a a donation is one of multiple gifts in the period by the same donor, it will be counted in the, "Multiple Gifts" column. Likewise, donations will be summed in the corresponding "Income" column. The, "Total Count" and "Total Income" columns represent the combined count and income columns. This report is intended to give you a sense of the gift amount ranges providing your organization with the most revenue, so that you may focus on soliciting donations of those amounts. If reports such as this are of particular interest to your organization, you should be sure and try the DonorQuest, "Donor Metrics" series of reports found under the Reports menu.


Here is what the report looks like when run on a larger sample database:


Donations - Recency - Frequency Report, 0-3 Month Donors



Report Menu Name

Donations - Recency / Frequency Report, 4-6 Month Donors



This is a variation on the Recency / Frequency report which looks at donations made in the past 91 to 180 days from the day you run the report.


Donations - Recency - Frequency Report, 4-6 Month Donors



Report Menu Name

Donations - Recency / Frequency Report, 7-12 Month Donors



This is a variation on the Recency / Frequency report which looks at donations made in the past 181 to 365 days from the day you run the report.


Donations - Recency - Frequency Report, 7-12 Month Donors



Report Menu Name

Donations - Recency / Frequency Report, 13-18 Month Donors



This is a variation on the Recency / Frequency report which looks at donations made in the past 366 to 546 days from the day you run the report.


Donations - Recency - Frequency Report, 13-18 Month Donors



Report Menu Name

Donations - Recency / Frequency Report, 19-24 Month Donors



This is a variation on the Recency / Frequency report which looks at donations made in the past 547 to 727 days from the day you run the report.


Donations - Recency - Frequency Report, 19-24 Month Donors



Report Menu Name

Donations - Recency / Frequency Report, 25-36 Month Donors



This is a variation on the Recency / Frequency report which looks at donations made in the past 728 to 907 days from the day you run the report.


Donations - Recency - Frequency Report, 25-36 Month Donors



Report Menu Name

Donations - Recency / Frequency Report, 36-plus Month Donors



This is a variation on the Recency / Frequency report which looks at donations made in the past 908-plus days from the day you run the report.


Donations - Recency - Frequency Report, 36-plus Month Donors



Report Menu Name

Donations - Recency / Frequency Report, Overall Totals



This is a variation on the Recency / Frequency report which looks at overall totals for all donations for all time.


Donations - Recency - Frequency Report, Overall Totals



Report Menu Name

Donations - Soft Credit Donations Only, Grouped By Giver



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will further filter the selection so that only donations which have been soft-credited are shown. For each donation, this report will show the name of the actual giver, and the name of the soft credit recipient. Donations are grouped and totaled by the actual givers.


Donations - Soft Credit Donations Only, Grouped By Giver



Report Menu Name

Donations - Soft Credit Donations Only, Grouped By Soft Credit Recipient



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will further filter the selection so that only donations which have been soft-credited are shown. For each donation, this report will show the name of the soft credit recipient and the actual giver. Donations are grouped and totaled by the soft credit recipient. The donations are further subsorted by donation date, so they will appear in chronological order for each soft credit recipient.


Donations - Soft Credit Donations Only, Grouped By Soft Credit Recipient



Report Menu Name

Donations - Soft Credit Donations Only, Grouped By Soft Credit Recipient, Subsorted By Giver



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will further filter the selection so that only donations which have been soft-credited are shown. For each donation, this report will show the name of the soft credit recipient and the actual giver. Donations are grouped and totaled by the soft credit recipient. The donations are further subsorted by the actual giver, so they will appear in alphabetical order by the giver's name for each soft credit recipient.


Donations - Soft Credit Donations Only, Grouped By Soft Credit Recipient, Subsorted By Giver



Report Menu Name

Donations - Soft Credit Donations Only, Grouped By Soft Credit Recipient, Totals Only



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will further filter the selection so that only donations which have been soft-credited are considered. Soft credit donations are totaled and counted for each soft credit recipient. Also shown are the name and address for each sort credit recipient.


Donations - Soft Credit Donations Only, Grouped By Soft Credit Recipient, Totals Only



Report Menu Name

Donations - Total Of Gifts In Dollar Ranges By Calendar Year



Designed to be run directly or used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation totals by calendar year in five amount ranges.


Donations - Total Of Gifts In Dollar Ranges By Calendar Year



Report Menu Name

Donations - Total Of Gifts In Dollar Ranges By Calendar Year And Week



Designed to be run directly or used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation totals by calendar year and week in five amount ranges.


Donations - Total Of Gifts In Dollar Ranges By Calendar Year And Week



Report Menu Name

Donations - Total Of Gifts In Dollar Ranges By Fiscal Year



Designed to be run directly or used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation totals by fiscal year in five amount ranges.


Donations - Total Of Gifts In Dollar Ranges By Fiscal Year



Report Menu Name

Donations - Total Of Gifts In Dollar Ranges By Fiscal Year And Week



Designed to be run directly or used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation totals by calendar year and week in five amount ranges.


Donations - Total Of Gifts In Dollar Ranges By Fiscal Year And Week



Report Menu Name

Donations - Totals And Year Counts



Designed to be run directly or used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will count the number of years for which each each donor shown had giving. The years don't have to be consecutive. The count simply represents the number of discrete years in which the donor gave. If you use this report with a selection of donations for the past ten years, only those years will be considered in the count. The Amount is simply a total of all giving for the donor for all donations processed by the report. The donations processed can either be all monetary donations (the default if the report is run directly outside of a selection result), or the donations of a specific selection result.


Donations - Totals And Year Counts



Report Menu Name

Donations - Totals And Year Counts, With Address, First, And Most Recent Years



This is a variation on the, "Donations - Totals And Year Counts" report (shown above) which also includes the full mailing and email address for each donor, as well as the date of their first and most recent donation.


Donations - Totals And Year Counts, With Address, First, And Most Recent Years



Report Menu Name

Donations - Totals, Counts, Averages By City And Year



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation totals, counts, and average amount by city, and subtotals within each city by calendar year.


Donations - Totals, Counts, Averages By City And Year



Report Menu Name

Donations - Volunteer Hours For Soft Credit Recipient, Totals Only



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection of volunteer hours (donations coded with a type of "HR"), this report layout will show total hours credited to each soft credit recipient of hours. This could be the employer or agency which encourages their employees to volunteer their time. The actual volunteers would still have the hard credits of the hours they donated in their donor accounts.


Donations - Volunteer Hours For Soft Credit Recipient, Totals Only



Report Menu Name

Donations - Yearly Donation Counts By $50 Increments



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation counts for the current and past four calendar years for donations of amounts in specific amount ranges.


Donations - Yearly Donation Counts By $50 Increments



Report Menu Name

Donations - Yearly Donation Counts By $50 Increments (Fiscal Years)



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show donation counts for the current and past four fiscal years for donations of amounts in specific amount ranges.


Donations - Yearly Donation Counts By $50 Increments (Fiscal Years)




Report Menu Name

Donations - Yearly Donation Totals By $50 Increments



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show totals for the current and past four calendar years for donations of amounts in specific amount ranges.


Donations - Yearly Donation Totals By $50 Increments



Report Menu Name

Donations - Yearly Donation Totals By $50 Increments (Fiscal Years)



Designed to be used with a Donation-based Selection Result, this report layout will show totals for the current and past four fiscal years for donations of amounts in specific amount ranges.


Donations - Yearly Donation Totals By $50 Increments (Fiscal Years)