Sample Pledge Reports

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Sample Pledge Reports

Report Menu Name

Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For Current Fiscal Year



Designed to be used with a Pledge-based Selection Result, this report layout will group pledges by their payment frequency, then show the expected amount of revenue from pledge payments by month within the current fiscal year. Note that all of the pledge forecasting reports for fiscal years are currently designed to work on a standard fiscal year which begins in July and ends in June of the following calendar year. If you have a fiscal year with a different starting month, then your organization will require a custom version of these series of reports (contact your DonorQuest support representative about this).


Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For Current Fiscal Year



Report Menu Name

Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For Current Fiscal Year (Summary)



Designed to be used with a Pledge-based Selection Result, this report layout will show just the totals from the, "Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For Current Fiscal Year" report.


Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For Current Fiscal Year (Summary)



Report Menu Name

Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For Next Fiscal Year



Designed to be used with a Pledge-based Selection Result, this report layout will group pledges by their payment frequency, then show the expected amount of revenue from pledge payments by month for the next fiscal year.


Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For Next Fiscal Year



Report Menu Name

Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For Next Fiscal Year (Summary)



Designed to be used with a Pledge-based Selection Result, this report layout will show just the totals from the, "Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For Next Fiscal Year" report.


Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For Next Fiscal Year (Summary)



Report Menu Name

Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For Next Year



Designed to be used with a Pledge-based Selection Result, this report layout will group pledges by their payment frequency, then show the expected amount of revenue from pledge payments by month for the next calendar year.


Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For Next Year



Report Menu Name

Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For Next Year (Summary)



Designed to be used with a Pledge-based Selection Result, this report layout will show just the totals from the, "Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For Next Year" report.


Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For Next Year (Summary)



Report Menu Name

Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For The Year, 2 Years From Now



Designed to be used with a Pledge-based Selection Result, this report layout will group pledges by their payment frequency, then show the expected amount of revenue from pledge payments by month for the calendar year, two years from now. There are two additional versions of this report for calendar years which are 3 and 4 years from now.


Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For The Year, 2 Years From Now



Report Menu Name

Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For The Year, 2 Years From Now (Summary)



Designed to be used with a Pledge-based Selection Result, this report layout will show just the totals from the, "Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For The Year, 2 Years From Now" report. There are two additional versions of this report for calendar years which are 3 and 4 years from now.


Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For The Year, 2 Years From Now (Summary)



Report Menu Name

Pledges - Cash Flow Projected/Actual From Pledges Current Year Jan-Jun



Designed to be used with a Pledge-based Selection Result, this report layout will show projected vs. actual revenue for January through June of the current calendar year. If actual revenue is less than projected (and you are past June of the current calendar year), it means one or more donors are behind on their pledge payments. Pledges which have been written off are automatically excluded.


Pledges - Cash Flow Projected - Actual From Pledges Current Year Jan-Jun



Report Menu Name

Pledges - Cash Flow Projected - Actual From Pledges Current Year Jan-Jun (Summary)



Designed to be used with a Pledge-based Selection Result, this report layout will show just the totals from the, "Pledges - Cash Flow Projected - Actual From Pledges Current Year Jan-Jun (Summary)" report.


Pledges - Cash Flow Projected - Actual From Pledges Current Year Jan-Jun (Summary)



Report Menu Name

Pledges - Cash Flow Projected/Actual From Pledges Current Year July-December



Designed to be used with a Pledge-based Selection Result, this report layout will show projected vs. actual revenue for July through December of the current calendar year. If actual revenue is less than projected (and you are towards the ends of December of the current calendar year), it means one or more donors are behind on their pledge payments. Pledges which have been written off are automatically excluded.


Pledges - Cash Flow Projected - Actual From Pledges Current Year July-December




Report Menu Name

Pledges - Cash Flow Projected/Actual From Pledges Current Year July-December (Summary)



Designed to be used with a Pledge-based Selection Result, this report layout will show just the totals from the, "Pledges - Cash Flow Projected/Actual From Pledges Current Year July-December" report.


Pledges - Cash Flow Projected - Actual From Pledges Current Year July-December (Summary)



Report Menu Name

Pledges - Cash Flow Projected/Actual From Pledges Last Year Jan-Jun



Designed to be used with a Pledge-based Selection Result, this report layout will show projected vs. actual revenue for January through June of the previous calendar year. If actual revenue is less than projected, it means one or more donors were behind on their pledge payments during the period. Pledges which have been written off are automatically excluded.


Pledges - Cash Flow Projected - Actual From Pledges Last Year Jan-Jun



Report Menu Name

Pledges - Cash Flow Projected/Actual From Pledges Last Year Jan-Jun (Summary)



Designed to be used with a Pledge-based Selection Result, this report layout will show just the totals from the, "Pledges - Cash Flow Projected/Actual From Pledges Last Year Jan-Jun" report.


Pledges - Cash Flow Projected - Actual From Pledges Last Year Jan-Jun (Summary)



Report Menu Name

Pledges - Cash Flow Projected/Actual From Pledges Last Year July-December



Designed to be used with a Pledge-based Selection Result, this report layout will show projected vs. actual revenue for July through December of the previous calendar year. If actual revenue is less than projected, it means one or more donors were behind on their pledge payments during the period. Pledges which have been written off are automatically excluded.


Pledges - Cash Flow Projected - Actual From Pledges Last Year July-December



Report Menu Name

Pledges - Cash Flow Projected/Actual From Pledges Last Year July-December (Summary)



Designed to be used with a Pledge-based Selection Result, this report layout will show just the totals from the, "Pledges - Cash Flow Projected/Actual From Pledges Last Year July-December" report.


Pledges - Cash Flow Projected - Actual From Pledges Last Year July-December (Summary)



Report Menu Name

Pledges - Grouped By Appeal



Designed to be used with a Pledge-based Selection Result, this report layout will show pledge detail and totals by pledge appeal. Pledges which have been written off will automatically be filtered out.


Pledges - Grouped By Appeal



Report Menu Name

Pledges - Grouped By Fund



Designed to be used with a Pledge-based Selection Result, this report layout will show pledge detail and totals by pledge fund. Pledges which have been written off will automatically be filtered out.


Pledges - Grouped By Fund



Report Menu Name

Pledges - Grouped By Payment Frequency



Designed to be used with a Pledge-based Selection Result, this report layout will show pledge detail with totals by payment frequency.


Pledges - Grouped By Payment Frequency



Report Menu Name

Pledges - Grouped By Payment Frequency - Summary



Designed to be used with a Pledge-based Selection Result, this report layout will show just the totals from the, "Pledges - Grouped By Payment Frequency" report.


Pledges - Grouped By Payment Frequency - Summary



Report Menu Name

Pledges - Grouped By Stimulus



Designed to be used with a Pledge-based Selection Result, this report layout will show pledge detail totaled by pledge stimulus. Pledges which have been written off will automatically be filtered out.


Pledges - Grouped By Stimulus




Report Menu Name

Pledges - Grouped By Stimulus - Summary



Designed to be used with a Pledge-based Selection Result, this report layout will show just the totals from the, "Pledges - Grouped By Stimulus" report.


Pledges - Grouped By Stimulus - Summary



Report Menu Name

Pledges - Grouped By Type



Designed to be used with a Pledge-based Selection Result, this report layout will show pledge detail totaled by pledge type. Pledges which have been written off will automatically be filtered out.


Pledges - Grouped By Type



Report Menu Name

Pledges - Grouped By Type - Summary



Designed to be used with a Pledge-based Selection Result, this report layout will show just the totals from the, "Pledges - Grouped By Type" report.


Pledges - Grouped By Type - Summary



Report Menu Name

Pledges - Outstanding Pledges



Designed to be run directly or used with a Pledge-based Selection Result, this report layout will show pledge detail with totals by donor. Pledges which have been written off will automatically be filtered out.



Pledges - Outstanding Pledges



Report Menu Name

Pledges - Past Due Pledges Only



Designed to be run directly used with a Pledge-based Selection Result, this report layout will show pledge detail with totals by donor. Pledges which have been written off will automatically be filtered out.


Pledges - Past Due Pledges Only



Report Menu Name

Pledges - Pledge Detail Report



Designed to be used with a Pledge-based Selection Result, this report layout will show basic pledge detail by donor. Pledges which have been written off will automatically be filtered out.


Pledges - Pledge Detail Report



Report Menu Name

Pledges - Pledge Detail Report, No Subtotaling



Designed to be used with a Pledge-based Selection Result, this report layout will show pledge detail with no automatic filtering or subtotaling by donor.


Pledges - Pledge Detail Report, No Subtotalling



Report Menu Name

Pledges - Pledge Payment Report



Designed to be used with a Pledge-based Selection Result, this report layout will show pledge detail by donor with an emphasis on payment status. Actual payment detail is also included. Pledges which have been written off will automatically be filtered out.


Pledges - Pledge Payment Report



Report Menu Name

Pledges - Pledge Payment Report With Payments Due Over Next Six Months



Designed to be used with a Pledge-based Selection Result, this report layout will show pledge detail plus the payments to be expected from each pledge over the next six months. Pledges which have no payments due over the next six months, pledges which have been paid off, and pledges which have been written off are automatically excluded.


Pledges - Pledge Payment Report With Payments Due Over Next Six Months



Report Menu Name

Pledges - Pledge Receivables As They Were On A Specific Date



Designed to be used with a Pledge-based Selection Result, this report layout allows you to go back in time to see what was still owed on pledges as of a specific date. To change the specific date, first copy the stock version of this report using the Copy button on the DonorQuest report menu. Give the copy a unique name, then click the Setup button for the copied report layout. Change the date shown in the Initializations blank on the Options tab.


Pledges - Pledge Receivables As They Were On A Specific Date



Report Menu Name

Pledges - Pledge Receivables At End Of Calendar Year, 1 Year Ago



Designed to be run directly or used with a Pledge-based Selection Result, this report layout will show pledge receivables by donor as of the end of the previous calendar year. All payments for each pledge are also shown. This report will automatically filter pledges so that only pledges from the previous calendar year are included.


Pledges - Pledge Receivables At End Of Calendar Year, 1 Year Ago



Report Menu Name

Pledges - Pledge Receivables At End Of Calendar Year, 2 Years Ago



Designed to be run directly or used with a Pledge-based Selection Result, this report layout will show pledge receivables by donor as of the end of the calendar year, two years ago. All payments for each pledge are also shown. This report will automatically filter pledges so that only pledges from the calendar year two years ago are included.


Pledges - Pledge Receivables At End Of Calendar Year, 2 Years Ago




Report Menu Name

Pledges - Pledge Receivables At End Of Fiscal Year, 1 Year Ago



Designed to be run directly or used with a Pledge-based Selection Result, this report layout will show pledge receivables by donor as of the end of the previous calendar fiscal. All payments for each pledge are also shown. This report will automatically filter pledges so that only pledges from the previous fiscal year are included.


Pledges - Pledge Receivables At End Of Fiscal Year, 1 Year Ago


Report Menu Name

Pledges - Pledge Receivables At End Of Fiscal Year, 2 Years Ago



Designed to be run directly or used with a Pledge-based Selection Result, this report layout will show pledge receivables by donor as of the end of the fiscal two years ago. All payments for each pledge are also shown. This report will automatically filter pledges so that only pledges from the fiscal year two years ago are included.


Pledges - Pledge Receivables At End Of Fiscal Year, 2 Years Ago



Report Menu Name

Pledges - Pledge Summary Report By Donor



Designed to be used with a Pledge-based Selection Result, for each donor this report layout will simply show total amount pledged, paid to date, balance remaining, and pledge count. Pledges which have been written off will automatically be filtered out.


Pledges - Pledge Summary Report By Donor