Running A Local Backup

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Running A Local Backup

System, Run Local Backup


The local backup feature of DonorQuest is mainly designed to protect you from user errors -- such as doing a mass data replace by mistake, or incorrectly updating a large number of donor records via a data import. The local backup simply creates a redundant copy of all the critical DonorQuest files on the file server on which DonorQuest is installed (or your local hard drive if you are running DonorQuest locally on your machine). Before you do any major sweeping data change or data import, you should click on System, Run Local Backup to create a restore point. Even though the online version of DonorQuest is backed up every night, this is a way to create a restore point that has up to the minute data. To restore from such a backup using the online version, you would need to issue a support request in writing (via email) to have your database restored. Note that it is also possible to direct routine backups to your local computer or network by creating one or more automated export actions in DonorQuest. You may also do an immediate export of your entire database by clicking on File, Export, All Donor Data. This requires the Export right to be enabled in your DonorQuest user account.


For those using the in-house version, DonorQuest will run the local backup process for you automatically every week. If you are running DonorQuest in client/server mode on a network, then the DonorQuest server component will run the backup automatically at night. If the DonorQuest server component is not running on your server (or you are are not running DonorQuest on a network), then when it is time for the weekly backup DonorQuest will display a prompt on your workstation asking if it can run the backup. This prompt will be displayed when you are closing DonorQuest. You should allow it to run unless you need to shut your machine down right away. All DonorQuest users in your organization will be asked each time they close DonorQuest to run the weekly backup until it is finally allowed to run by one of the users (if you have a fairly large donor database and more than a couple users, then you really should be running the DonorQuest Server Component).


The DonorQuest Local Backup maintains several backup folders in your \DQuest\ installation folder. The weekly backup alternates between the \DQuest\Backup\ and \DQuest\Backup2\ folders. Each time it is run, it will erase the older of these two backups and put the new backup there. DonorQuest also maintains Quarterly backups in the folders \DQuest\BackupQ1\, \DQuest\BackupQ2\, \DQuest\BackupQ3\, and \DQuest\BackupQ4\. These folders are recycled on an annual basis. When it is time for a quarterly backup, it is run along with the weekly backup process.


Note that the DonorQuest local backup feature does not protect you against data loss if your file server were to fail (or your local computer if the DonorQuest database is installed on the hard drive in your machine). So it is not meant to take the place of regular server backups which should be done by your IT department. If you are running a non-networked single-user version of DonorQuest on the local hard drive of your computer, then it is your responsibility to make a copy of the \DQuest\ installation folder on a flash memory drive or CD on a regular basis. DonorQuest and all your data are fully self-contained within the \DQuest\ installation folder, so backing up that entire folder is everything you would need to restore in the event of a total system failure. Users of the online version of DonorQuest do not have to worry about nightly backups, as they are done for you as part of the DonorQuest service.