Recount Active Records

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Recount Active Records

System, Recount Active Records


When you delete donor information in DonorQuest, the affected records are not immediately physically deleted. They are instead hidden from view. This allows for accidentally deleted records to be restored. It's a bit like the recycle bin for files in Windows. However these records have to be continually skipped over on status displays showing percent completes for various processes. If for any reason the count of active records becomes out of synch with the database, status displays may show slightly more records to process than there really are. To correct this if it ever happens, click on System, Recount Active Records.


Note that if you are running DonorQuest on an in-house network, you should enable the client/server mode of operation by activating the DonorQuest Server Component. This will move all data-intensive operations to the file server where they can be most efficiently and securely implemented. If you are not running the DonorQuest Server component, and you are using DonorQuest on a network, you are forcing DonorQuest to move a lot of information across the network connection between your workstation and the file server. Doing so will stress your network, slow DonorQuest performance, and make it more likely that any instabilities in your network will surface to cause problems.