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Labels are very similar to Reports in that they are simply page layouts. But they are special in that they have the ability to print multiple donor records horizontally on sheets of labels, typically three-across (though DonorQuest can print up to six across). As with reports, labels are driven by Selection Results. The selection process determines which constituents will be printed, and the label layout you choose determines what information about each constituent will print. DonorQuest has pre-defined labels which support the standard Avery 5160 and 5161 layouts, and you can also create and customize your own labels in DonorQuest for any other layout, using the provided pre-defined layouts as a starting point.


The most widely used pre-defined label layout in DonorQuest is the, "Avery 5160 (1" x 2 5/8") - Address Using Sal1" layout, which makes use of the Salutation1 field to form the first line of each label. Salutation1 is the formal salutation for the each donor, and it is also used for joint salutations for couples. With it, you are able to print a salutation which is precisely how the donor wants to be addressed. There are other label layouts which draw upon the first and last name fields instead of using Salutation1, but they are not recommended because no formula can reliably string together multiple fields (such as Title, Primary & Secondary Names, Suffixes), and account for all donor preferences. That's why the use of the Salutation1 field is so important in DonorQuest.