Initial Setup

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Initial Setup

Every non-profit is unique. Fundraising and Constituent Relationship Management software which tries to be all things to all users right out of the box winds up being bloated, complicated, and slow. DonorQuest takes a different approach. We provide the core functionality which most nonprofits need right out of the box so you can be immediately productive with DonorQuest -- including over four hundred standard reports, each of which can be customized. We also provide an advanced data import facility to get any existing data you have into DonorQuest. And from there on DonorQuest starts to learn. It learns which data windows each user needs to work in, where to position them on the screen, how they are to be sized, which column order is preferred, etc. At the organizational level DonorQuest learns about your campaigns and how to code gifts consistently so that you can ask meaningful questions about the data you have entered. These campaign and other codes are shared by all users so that data entry is uniform and consistent, which in turn enables accurate and informative reporting.


Beyond this, DonorQuest can also be customized with user-defined fields which become fully integrated into the system, appearing on all field menus used for reports, data imports and exports, filters (selections), and sweeping data changes. Because of this, when moving your existing data to DonorQuest via our advanced import feature, nothing need be left behind. If a place does not already exist for any data that's unusual but very important to your organization, a place will be created.


DonorQuest comes pre-configured with sample codes and user accounts, one of which is the Guest account which you likely used to gain initial access the first time you started DonorQuest. But as an administrator, you will need to add accounts for each person who will be using DonorQuest, along with setting up donation tracking and other codes which are specific to your organization. There are also some basic configuration settings you may wish to change to best suit your organization's needs. This chapter will cover all of these topics.