Import Mappings

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Import Mappings

Import mappings are a little different than other DonorQuest Expansion Items because they correspond to the record layouts of the various external data files you or others may have worked with in the past. When you import donor data into DonorQuest from an external file, you must create a field mapping which explains to DonorQuest how the imported data is to be applied to the internal DonorQuest data fields. If you are importing data sent to you by a mailing house, DonorQuest Support, or even one of your satellite offices, they may include a DonorQuest Import Mapping with the actual data file. When they do, this will save you time in doing the import because once you add the Import Mapping to DonorQuest, it will know just how to process the data file.


To bring a new Import Mapping into DonorQuest, click on File, Import, Import Mappings. The Select File dialog will appear. Navigate to the folder containing the import mapping file you have been sent, highlight the file, and click Open. You should then see a window showing all the Import Mappings contained in the file. Use the Mark button to mark the ones you need, then click the Begin button. The Import Mappings you added will now be available for use when doing a DonorQuest Donor Data import.