General Ledger Process

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General Ledger Process

The General Ledger Process is designed to provide a summary of the day's donation entries, and to automate your acknowledgement letter process. This summary consists of a printed report, as well as one or more merge files intended for use with your word processor. The printed report can be used by your accounting department to balance general ledger totals in their software against the total dollar amounts entered into DonorQuest. The mail merge file allows your word processor to generate thank-you letters for each of the donors for which a donation was entered. In addition, since separate mail merge files are created based on the code entered for the TY (thank-you) field of each donation, it is possible for your word processor to generate different letters, depending on the nature of the gift.


By default, the "Subtotals By Fund" segment of the General Ledger process uses the donation fund field to summarize donations by fund. If you wish to base the "Subtotals By Fund" segment on another donation field (such as a part of the donation account number), it is possible to do so.


Though the General Ledger Report feature is meant to present an accounting of incoming donations on a daily basis, it can be used to summarize donations received for any span of time. For example, if you needed an accounting breakdown of revenues for the month of December 2018, you would simply specify a date range of "12/01/2018" to "12/31/2018" when running the process.