Extra Address Table

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Extra Address Table

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Following is a description of the Extra Address fields in DonorQuest. For some background information about Extra Addresses and example use, please first read the Quick Start topic on Extra Addresses. On many field menus in DonorQuest and in the field headings below, Extra Address is abbreviated XA:

XA Last And First Names

Extra address last and first names are for informational purposes and searching, and are not normally used on mailing labels and mail merge correspondence -- that's the job of the Salutation.

XA Second

The Extra Address Second Name is meant to be used when the donor is staying as a guest in someone's home at times during the year, or at a hotel, or any case in which you may need to include an in care of name in order for the mail to be properly delivered. The contents of the Extra Address Second Name will appear beneath the Salutation line on mailing labels.

XA Salutation

As with Salutation 1 for the main biographical record, the Extra Address Salutation is essential because it is used on the first line of the address block. The Extra Address First and Last Name fields are for reference purposes only and are not actually used to form the address for mailing labels and such -- that's the purpose of the Extra Address Salutation. This allows for maximum flexibility in specifying exactly how a donor is to be addressed with any required title, suffix, and any possible spousal inclusion for the case of a couple. It is the begin all, end all for how the donor wishes to see their name, so you can make it appear exactly according to any particular preferences they have.


XA Address, City, State, Zip

Main address line for an Extra Address

XA Address2

May be used for building or suite numbers in an extra address.

XA City

Extra address city.

XA State

Extra address state. This is a coded field which uses the same validation and pop-up table as the main address state field.

XA Zip

Extra address zip code. As with entry of the main donor address, if you leave the Extra Address City, State, or County fields blank while adding a new Extra Address, then simply enter the zip code and press the Tab key, DonorQuest will automatically fill in the city, state, and county fields for you.


XA County

Extra Address County.

XA Carrier Route

Used for postal discounts and provided by the post office (or a 3rd party service) when you zip+4 process your database.

XA Telephone

Extra address telephone, for informational purposes only. Space is provided for an extension number.

XA Start Date

The starting date for which the extra address is valid. As mailing labels are printed, DonorQuest compares the start and end date of each extra address in a donor's history against today's date. If today's date is between the start and end dates for an extra address, then that extra address will be substituted for the donor's main address on the mailing label. If desired, mailing label reports can be modified to base substitution of extra addresses on other conditions -- such as the extra address code (described below) being a specific value.

XA End Date

The ending date for which the extra address is valid.

XA Code

The extra address code field. Since each donor may have any number of extra addresses, this field should be used to categorize each donor's extra addresses. For example, you might code summer home extra addresses as SUMR, or business extra addresses as BUS. You could also use this field to condition the substitution of specific extra addresses for the main address when mailing labels are printed instead of using the start/end date window fields.


An email address to associate with the extra address. Since each constituent may have an unlimited number of extra addresses, this essentially allows you to store any number of extra email addresses for each constituent. Also, since the Flex-Find feature also searches extra address records, you can easily find any constituent based on any email address on record for them in any Extra Address in their history.

XA Miscellaneous

This is basically a comment field to use as you wish. It will support up to 30 characters.

XA When Last Edited

Stores the date when the Extra Address record was last changed in any way. Automatically maintained by DonorQuest.

XA Who Last Edited

Stores the name of the last user to make a change to the Extra Address record. Automatically maintained by DonorQuest.


For some example Extra Address entry, please also see the Extra Address Button topic of the Quick Start Guide.