Extra Address Block

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Extra Address Block

The Extra Address Block defines how an extra address is to be used when forming a label. The options here are the same as those of the Main Address Block.

Order By

This defines the data to be alphabetical ordered by when a label is drawn from the Extra Address fields. Typically, this is last name within zip code, though it may be any Extra Address field or field expression. The DonorQuest pre-defined labels are typically ordered by last name within zip, so when copying and modifying a pre-defined label for your own use, you should only have to alter this expression in the rare instance that you wish to alphabetize mailing labels on something other than zip code.

Include For

DonorQuest will always require that the Start and End dates for an Extra Address record be met before the Extra Address is further considered for inclusion. If an Extra Address passes the date range check, then the Include For expression comes into play and must also be true for an Extra Address to be included. For specific custom label layouts, you may wish to only include the extra addresses which meet a certain condition. This condition must be in the form of an expression that is either true or false. For example, to only print a mailing label for extra addresses which have the code "SUMR" (for Summer home), you would enter the following expression:


.XA_Code. = "SUMR"


If you do not wish to have restrictions beyond the automatic date filtering for Extra Addresses, simply leave this option blank. This is just a way to specify an additional filter restriction Extra Address records must pass to be included in a label print job. All Extra Addresses are subject to the date range filter before they even get this far. If there is not a valid start and end date for a given extra address, then the Include For condition does not matter, as the extra address would have already been disqualified for printing.


This is quite simply what is printed on each line of the label when an Extra Address record is included. Each line of the content section corresponds to a printed line on the label. A line of content may be a single field, or a combination of fields. For example, the pre-defined label layout, "Avery 5160 (1" x 2 5/8") - Address Using Sal1" included with DonorQuest has the following content for Extra Addresses:


If( Empty(.XA_Salutation.), .Salutation1., .XA_Salutation. )



Cushion( .XA_City., ", " ) + Cushion( .XA_State. ) + .XA_Zip.


As you can see, some of the label lines are simply single fields by themselves, such as the second and third lines. But other label lines are based on expressions involving multiple fields. Also, some of the content is conditional, meaning it will not always contribute to a line on the label. Since we have the Omit Blank Data Lines option turned on, any expression which evaluates to a blank line will not actually print, so our resulting labels will not have any empty lines.