Donation Default Field Values

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Donation Default Field Values

Configure, Donation Default Field Values


Like the Main Information default values, the donation default field values allow you to specify the default entries you would like DonorQuest to enter for you automatically when adding a new donation. Again, the primary purpose of the default values are to speed data entry of repetitive codes, dates, amounts, etc. Like the Main Information default values, Donation default field values are also user-specific. This means that you can set your own defaults without interfering with the defaults selected by other users. Your defaults will remain in effect until you change them.


To access your donor default field values, click on Configure, Donation Default Field Values. Doing so will show the following dialog:


Donation Defaults


An example use would be setting the Date to a specific date to use for an entire batch of donations you wish to backdate during entry, or if a typical donation amount for your organization is $100, you could set that to auto-populate for you when adding new donations (you can always override it for the exceptions). More commonly you will be setting the Donation Stimulus to a specific campaign code for a batch of donations which may be mostly for a specific campaign.