Demographics Filter

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Demographics Filter



The Demographics selection tab in DonorQuest allows you to find constituents based on demographic information publicly available for the zip code in which the constituent lives. You can select constituents based on Zip Code Radius, Ethnicity, Age, Education Level, Median Household Income, Median Per Person Income, Average Home Value, etc. Since the demographic information is zip code based and statistical in nature, it does not violate a constituent's privacy.


Here is an example of using the Demographics tab to find all of the constituents who live between ten and twenty miles from the center zip code of 98109:


Creating A Selection - Demographics Radius


You can think of the above selection as finding constituents in your database who live within a "ring" around a center zip code, with the inner circumference of the ring being 10 miles outside the center zip code, and the outer circumference of the ring being 20 miles outside the center zip code. This may of course be combined with any of the other selection tabs to ask questions such as, "Who has given $500 or more in the past six months, and lives within 15 miles of our main office?"


The Group Affiliation demographic conditions are expressed as ranges. The ranges will either be dollar amounts (for home values, median incomes, etc.) or percentages. When they are percentages, the percentage refers to the percentage of people within the constituent's zip code who have a particular attribute. Following is an example of how to select all the constituents with home values of $250,000 or more, who live in a zip code for which 80% of the people have Bachelor Degrees:


Creating A Selection - Home Value And Degree


Note that this is not a guarantee that the selected constituents have Bachelor Degrees, but there's an 80% chance they do based on the zip code they live in. Likewise, there is no guarantee the value of their home is $250,000 or more, but it is likely given the median home value for the zip code in which they live.