Changing Your Password

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Changing Your Password

As a user of DonorQuest, you have one fundamental right that no one but you can control - your password. Only you should know what it is and only you can change it. No one else (not even the system administrator) is able to find out what your password is. Because of this, your password is your guarantee that what occurs within DonorQuest under your user name is only done by you and not somebody simply logged in as you.


Each user, no matter how infrequently they may use DonorQuest, should have their own account - including temporary workers and volunteers. Do not have multiple users login using the same account name. The number of user accounts permitted in DonorQuest is unlimited, so there's no reason a user should ever have to share their account name and password with anyone else.


In a large organization, it is a good security measure to change your password on a regular basis, such as every six months or so. This way, if someone else were to have somehow learned your password, they would not have an ongoing ability to log in as you. To change your password:


Select User from the menu, then click Change Your Password.

Type your current password, then your new password twice like this:


Password Change


Once you have changed your password, it will take effect immediately. You must use your new password when logging in again. If you forget your password, there is no way the system administrator can get it back for you. An administrator could however reset the password for your account so that you could establish a new password the next time you login.