Adding Memorial Gifts

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Adding Memorial Gifts

Memorial Gifts in DonorQuest are implemented using the Soft Credit feature. The actual donors who give towards a memorial will have the gifts they give entered in their accounts as hard gifts, but then during entry the gifts will also be soft credited toward the memorial account for which the donor intends the gift. Before you can soft credit a donation to a memorial account, you need to create the memorial account to receive soft credits. To do this, go to the donor Main Information Datasheet and click on the Add button to add a new constituent (this is the same process used in creating a new donor account). In the organization name, type the name of the memorial fund. For example, type: John Fitzgerald Kennedy Memorial Fund. Position the cursor in the Type field (this is the donor type), then click the drop-down arrow to the right and select Memorial Record. The actual code must be M or MEM for the DonorQuest Honor / Memorial reports to work properly.


Enter all other pertinent information. For example, the address fields could contain the address information for the surviving relative to which reports on memorial giving should be sent. Click OK to save the new memorial account and close the Donor Edit Form. Next go to the donor who is giving the memorial donation and begin adding a new donation for them. Key in the appropriate amount of the memorial donation. If it is a new memorial, you should create a new Donation Fund code so that the gift may be counted in the statistical totals towards the specific memorial. You can create a new memorial code on-the-fly by simply typing one in the Donation Fund field and pressing the Tab key. You will be prompted for a description for the new memorial fund.


The last step in the Memorial Donation is to apply a soft credit. Click Browse button next to the Give Soft Credit To blank of the donation form to search through your donors and select the proper memorial donor account (for example, John Fitzgerald Kennedy Memorial Fund). Be sure and click within the title for the Organization column to order the browse by Organization name (which is where the name of the memorial account will be) so that you can search that column as you type the name of the memorial fund. You can use the incremental search by simply typing the first few letters of the name (i.e. John F should be good enough for finding our example memorial). Once you have the proper memorial account highlighted in the Browse Find Window, click the OK button to select it as the memorial account. This completes the Memorial Gift donation entry process. Save and close the donation window by clicking on OK.


Once you have one or more memorial accounts setup, you can preview/print some of the various Honor / Memorial reports, shown here:


Report Menu Showing Honor-Memorial Reports


You may access the DonorQuest report menu by clicking the printer icon on the DonorQuest toolbar.