The Event Log

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The Event Log

File, Open, The Event Log


DonorQuest stores detailed tracking information for the activities of all users. Everything from when each user logged in, to when they logged out is chronicled. This can be very helpful if, for example, a user accidentally deletes a donor, but then can't remember who it was they deleted. They can lookup that information in the DonorQuest Event Log, then use the Restore A Deleted Donor feature to retrieve the donor account. To open the event log, simply click on File, Open, The Event Log. You will then see a display similar to this:


The Event Log


Each column of the event log window may be ordered by single-clicking on the title for the column. Clicking a second time will reverse the sort order for the current column.

Events Tracked In The Event Log

The following events are tracked in the DonorQuest event log:


Abnormal Program Termination Detected

Account Consolidation Performed

Archive Donors Deleted From Donor Dataset

Backup Performed

Code Deleted

Code Tables Expanded From Dataset

Custom Selection Definition Edited

Dashboard Activity

Data Entry Find Failed

Data Entry Find Succeeded

Data Entry Module Closed

Data Entry Module Opened

Data Entry Timeout Occurred

Data For A Specific Donor Restored

Data Import Begun

Data Import Ended

Data Import Field Referenced

Data Restored Via A Selection Result

Donation Added

Donation Default Field Values Altered

Donation Posting Completed

Donation Posting Started

Donor Data Exported

Donor Dataset Files Packed

Donor Dataset Index Files Rebuilt

Donor Default Field Values Altered

Donor Deleted

Donor Donation History Altered

Donor Extra Address History Altered

Donor History Copied To Archive

Donor Linkage History Altered

Donor Memo History Altered

Donor Metrics Activity

Donor Name/Address History Altered

Donor Pledge History Altered

Donor Scheduled Contacts History Altered

Duplicate Donor ID Avoided Via Link Semaphore Check

Duplicate Link ID Check Found Duplicate(s)

Duplicate Link ID Check Found No Duplicate

EMail Initiated

Extra Address Added

General Error Condition

General Ledger / Mail Merge Run

Graphing Activity

Information Deleted Via A Selection Result

Label Report Format Created

Label Report Format Deleted

Label Report Format Edited

Label Report Run

Linkage Added

Mass Record Addition Performed

Memo Added


New Donor Created

Orphan Donation Check Found No Orphans

Orphan Donation Check Found Orphan(s)

Pledge Added

Posting File Purge

Program Or Environment Error Occurred

Report Cache Purged

Report Format Created

Report Format Deleted

Report Format Edited

Report Run

Scheduled Contact Added

Selection Auto-Saved After Record Removal Or Reordering

Selection Exported

Selection Ordered

Selection Printed

Selection Result Appended To A Dataset

Selection Result Converted To Header

Selection Result Deleted

Selection Result Record Removed

Selection Result Refreshed

Selection Result Sweeping List Addition Performed

Selection Result Sweeping List Replacement Performed

Selection Result Sweeping Replacement Performed

Selection Run

Selection Viewed

Stored File Accessed In Place

Stored File Added

Stored File Deleted

Stored File Retrieved

System Data Files Packed

System Index Files Rebuilt

Table Encryption Status Changed

Totals Recomputed


User Account Added

User Account Deleted

User Account Settings Edited

User Account Setup Area Accessed

User Changed Their Password

User Edited Their Personal Settings

User Logged In

User Logged Out

Warning: Zero Link ID Detected

Zero Link ID Check Found No Zero ID(s)

Zero Link ID Detected

Zero Link ID Integrity Check Run

Zip Table Expanded

The Find Button

The Find button allows you to search the event log by any combination of column values. For example, to search for all donors deleted by use Paul from the Donor dataset, you would use the following search values:


Event Log - Finding Event Dialog


This will easily allow you to see all of the donors deleted by user Paul in the event one was deleted by accident. You could even specify the Donor Name in the search if you know it, but generally using the above search values would be sufficient since the most recently deleted donors would show first, and this avoids the possibility of a misspelled name causing the search to fail.

The Next Button

The Next button will continue the previous search for the next event log entry which matches your search values. Unlike the main Find in the Main Information windows you use for data entry in DonorQuest, the Find here does not hide records which do not match your search. Rather, the search is used to skip ahead from matching record to matching record, without any hiding of events. This allows you to see (following the above example) all of the intervening events between donor deletion events.

The To Excel Button

The To Excel button will simply open Excel and copy the most recent 30,000 events to a new Excel spreadsheet. The online version of DonorQuest will copy event history to a new Calc spreadsheet, which may be optionally saved to an Excel spreadsheet on your computer or network drive.

The Refresh Button

The To Refresh button will update the display with any new events.

The More Button

The More button will load the next 30,000 events (going back in time) into the viewer.

The All Button

The All button will load all known events. DonorQuest will track up to 100,000 events.