Purge Server Queue

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Purge Server Queue

System, Purge, Server Queue


This feature only applies to the in-house version of DonorQuest, using an in-house server. The online version of DonorQuest does not use a server queue.


If you have configured DonorQuest to run in client/server mode, then DonorQuest will issue commands across your Local Area Network connection to the file server to perform the "heavy lifting" parts of database access. For example, when you run a Selection, the selection filters you specify are sent to the main file server for processing. This is much faster than if your workstation were to move data across your network connection to pass it all through your selection filter. Since multiple workstations can be using DonorQuest at the same time, all sending requests to the server, the server stores requests it hasn't gotten to yet in a Queue. Normally the queue empties out as requests are processed. But it is possible for queue to get "stuck" on a particular request which the server is having difficulty processing. When this happens, you should purge the server queue to clear it out.


This feature does not apply to the online version of DonorQuest.