Auto-Fill Empty Salutation And County Fields

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Auto-Fill Empty Salutation And County Fields

System, Auto-Fill Empty Salutation And County Fields


The Salutation fields are used for all correspondence with your donors and prospects. The Salutation 1 is used for the first line of the address block in letters and labels, and the Salutation 2 is used in the "Dear" block of mail merged letters and emails. These fields need to be filled in when adding a new donor record. Having the Auto-Fill Blank Salutations On Record Save feature turned on in the DonorQuest Program Settings is a really good idea, but it will not help with old records which may have been created without salutation entries. The Auto-Fill Empty Salutation And County Fields option of the DonorQuest System menu will process your entire database, filling in missing salutations. All existing salutation entries will be preserved, only empty salutation fields will be filled in.