Alternate Unit Donation Types

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Alternate Unit Donation Types

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DonorQuest is capable of supporting an unlimited number of alternate donation units. The alternate units are considered to be non-monetary in-kind gifts such as pounds of food, hours of time, etc. Essentially, an alternate unit is any type of quantifiable donation other than a dollar amount. When a donation of alternate unit type is entered, the donation quantity is automatically kept out of the dollar donation totals. This allows you to enter non-monetary amounts in the Donation Amount field, and non-monetary donations can coexist with monetary donations in the various chronological displays of donation history for each donor.


DonorQuest knows when a donation is not a dollar donation by entering one of the alternate unit settings into the donation type field. If the Donation Type code for a given donation matches one of the alternate unit types, then the donation amount will not be counted towards the dollar totals for the donor.


By default, HR and LB are the alternate unit settings standing for hours and pounds respectively.


If you change the donation type code for any of the alternate units, DonorQuest will automatically begin the recompute totals process when you close the Program Settings window.


Multiple alternate unit codes may be entered, separated by commas. Or you may click the blue down-pointing arrow next to the entry blank and chose from the list of defined Donation Type codes.