Quick Start Guide

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Quick Start Guide

The DonorQuest Quick Start Guide is a tutorial that will walk you through the basics of DonorQuest. It is intended to familiarize you with the DonorQuest Toolbar and the DonorQuest environment. You will be introduced to data entry, performing queries and printing reports. More detailed information about each subject of the quick start guide can be found by opening the relevant section of the User's Guide. The Quick Start Guide was created with the sample data provided with the trial version of DonorQuest. So if you are running the trial version, the sample data you see should match up with what you actually have in your database at this point. If you have already purchased and installed DonorQuest, then of course the actual data you see will reflect your live data so take care not to make any changes just for the purpose of following the examples here.


If you are new to DonorQuest yet your organization has been using it for some time and you would like to just "practice" on it by following the examples shown here, then you might consider installing the trial version of DonorQuest to create a temporary copy of the program with sample data on your workstation which you can later delete and which will have no connection to your organization's live data. You can install the free trial version of DonorQuest (along with sample data) by clicking on the following link:




If you are using the online version of DonorQuest, you can still benefit from installing the trial version for experimentation as you are learning. In our design, we have taken care to make the look and feel of both versions very similar, so that there is essentially no learning curve in transitioning from one to the other.