DonorQuest Component Objects

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DonorQuest Component Objects

If you have any custom Report Layouts, Label Layouts, Selection Definitions, Field Groups, or Import Mappings you would like to share with DonorQuest users at other organizations (or if you need to email a definition you are working on to DonorQuest support), you can export the item(s) by clicking on File, Export, and choosing Report Layouts, Label Layouts, Selection Definitions, Field Groups, or Import Mappings. You will be shown a list of all the items of the type you selected. Simply click the Mark button to mark one or more items, then click Begin. You will be asked for a file name to write the items you have selected to. The resulting file will be very small and you can easily email it where it needs to go. The person receiving the file may then use the corresponding DonorQuest File, Import menu option to pick and choose which items of those you send they wish to bring into their DonorQuest installation. DonorQuest component objects such as report layouts, label layouts, field groups, and selection definitions all use a special DonorQuest file format with the EXP file extension, which is short for Expansion file. While admittedly .dco may have been a more appropriate extension for these files, .exp was already in broad use by the time the component object format was finalized.