What Was New In DonorQuest 7.8

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What Was New In DonorQuest 7.8

DonorQuest 7.7 was a huge release with a lot of new statistical analysis and graphing features. While DonorQuest 7.8 adds a few new features, it mainly focuses on performance optimizations on the processing-intensive features introduced in 7.7, as well as some user interface enhancements to them. If you are upgrading from a version of DonorQuest earlier than 7.7 (the previous release), you should also consult the various "What's New..." documents, available under the, "What Was New In Previous Releases" topic of this User's Guide. The version of DonorQuest you are currently running is always shown in the upper-left corner of the main DonorQuest window.


Here's an overview of the new features in DonorQuest 7.8:

Donor Retention Graphs

DonorQuest 7.8 now allows you to assess your donor retention rates through an exciting new series of graphs which show retention from year-to-year (fiscal or calendar), or from quarter to quarter between years, or for a specific month between years. There is also an option for viewing monthly donor retention rates. This new graph can be accessed by clicking on Reports, Graphs, Donor Retention Graphs. Here’s an example of the year-to-year Donor Retention Rates graph:


Donor Retention Rates


The Dashboard Has Been Set Free!

DonorQuest 7.7 introduced an amazing dashboard for tracking donor statistics, fresh data coming in, and the donor-specific activity of other users in realtime. It was designed to stay open continuously so you could monitor incoming information as it happened. But it was confined to the main DonorQuest program window, so it wound up taking valuable screen space away from other windows that were open at the same time. Now the Dashboard display may be moved outside the main DonorQuest program window, including to other screens you may have! The Dashboard display is so information-rich that it really deserves its own display anyway. Now you can monitor realtime activity in DonorQuest on a side screen while going about your normal daily activity in the main DonorQuest program window. The Dashboard window will now also stay open even as you are busy moving between data entry, running selections, and printing reports. As a reminder, the DonorQuest dashboard can be opened at anytime by clicking on this icon:



Dashboard Toolbar Icon 2


Ability to Undo Donor Consolidations

DonorQuest has long allowed you to combine multiple existing donor accounts for any reason - usually because they are duplicate accounts. When a consolidation is done, all donations, pledges, etc. are moved from the duplicate account(s) to the single account you want to keep. However, until now, the process could not be reversed if done by mistake. In DonorQuest 7.8, you may now recover from accidentally having consolidated away account you want to get back in it's pre-consolidated state. To do this, open the Main Information window, and highlight the donor account which was the destination for the account consolidation(s) you wish to reverse. Then click on Donor, Undo Consolidations To Donor. If there are any donor accounts which were consolidated to the current account and not yet restored, the will be displayed in a window like this:


Undo Donor Consolidations


Clicking the Restore button will restore just the currently highlighted account. However, you may use the Mark or Mark All buttons to mark multiple consolidated accounts for restoration. Clicking the Restore button will then restore all marked accounts.


Mass Address Archive

DonorQuest 7.8 allows you to make an archival copy of the main address information for all the donors in a Selection Result. The main addresses are copied to newly allocated Extra Address records, just as you can do on a case-by-case basis using the Archive Address button of the Main Information Form window. This may be desirable if you are about to perform a mass data operation which will likely change the main address information for a group of donors, and you want to still keep the current address information as part of each donor's record. For example, when applying address change information from a National Change of Address run. Since all Extra Address records for each donor are included in the Flex-Find search used when manually entering donations, the donor would still be found using their old address information, even though their main address has been updated.


Improved Handling Of Undefined Codes In Data Entry

Previously, when tabbing through a form which contains undefined code values (usually very old data for which the drop-down code definitions have been removed), DonorQuest would not allow tabbing out of a field containing an undefined code. Your only option was to define the code anew. This was inconvenient because you may simply wish to tab through a form which may contain invalid codes. In DonorQuest 7.8 now you may freely tab through a form with invalid codes, but you will not be allowed to save changes to the form unless all code values pass validation. Note that if you desire no code validation at all, you may turn off the feature under Configure, Program Settings.


Updated Zip Code Table

DonorQuest 7.8 includes an update to the internal city/state/zip/county table which is used to auto-populate city, state, and county for you when you enter zip code and press the Tab key.


New Standard Reports Added

DonorQuest 7.8 includes the following new standard reports:


Contacts - Grant Payment Report - Approved Grants Not Yet Paid Off

Contacts - Tickler Report By User

Contacts - Tickler Report By User, Open Contacts Only

Donations - Average Donation

Donations - Count And Total Of Donations By 5-digit Zip With Percentages

Donations - Dollar Totals Of Gifts By Month And Calendar Year

Donations - Dollar Totals Of Gifts By Month And Stimulus

Donations - Donor Name, Phone, Donation Amount And Stimulus, Ordered By Current Cal Year's Total

Donations - Donor Name, Phone, Donation Amount And Stimulus, Ordered By Prev Cal Year's Total Giving

Donations - Donor Report (Ranked) w/ Contact Info & Donation Totals

Donations - Grouped By Account, Ordered By Constituent Name Within Account

Donations - Grouped By Account, Subtotalled by Stimulus

Donations - Grouped By Donor And Fund - Summary

Donations - Grouped By Donor Name With Address, Donation Totals, Counts, And Averages

Donations - Grouped By Donor Name With Donation Totals, Counts, And Averages

Donations - Grouped By Organization Name And Account

Donations - Grouped By Stimulus With Monthly Totals In Columns

Donations - Grouped By Stimulus, Subgrouped By Donor Name

Donations - Grouped By Stimulus, Subsorted By Amount

Donations - Grouped By Stimulus, Subsorted By Donor Name

Donations - Soft Credit Donations Only, Grouped By Soft Credit Recipient, Subsorted By Giver

Donations - Totals And Year Counts

Donations - Totals And Year Counts, With Address, First, And Most Recent Years

Donations - Year By Month Summary Report -10 Years

Extra Address - Basic Fields

Extra Address - Basic Fields, Grouped By Extra Address Code

Extra Address - Basic Fields, Grouped By Zip Code

Extra Address - Zip Code Counts

Header - Comparison Of Year-To-Date Giving By Fiscal Year

Header - Current And Previous Calendar Year Donations, Sorted By Increase/Decrease With Detail

Header - Current And Previous Calendar Year Donations, Sorted By Increase/Decrease, With Counts

Header - Current And Previous Calendar Year Donations, Sorted By Zip With Detail

Header - Current And Previous Fiscal Year Donations, Sorted By Increase/Decrease With Detail

Header - Current And Previous Fiscal Year Donations, Sorted By Increase/Decrease, With Counts

Header - Current And Previous Fiscal Year Donations, Sorted By Zip With Detail

Header - Donation Receipts, Previous Year Donations Only With Logo

Header - LYBUNT Report

Header - Last Two Calendar Years Of Donations, Sorted By Increase/Decrease With Detail

Header - Last Two Calendar Years Of Donations, Sorted By Increase/Decrease, With Counts

Header - Last Two Calendar Years Of Donations, Sorted By Zip With Detail

Header - Pledge History Report With Payment Schedule, All Pledges

Pledge Statements: For Scheduled Payment Pledges

Pledge Statements: For Scheduled Payment Pledges, With Payment History

Pledges - Average Pledge

Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For Current Fiscal Year, Scheduled

Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For Current Fiscal Year, Scheduled (Summary)

Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For Next Fiscal Year, Scheduled

Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For Next Fiscal Year, Scheduled (Summary)

Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For Next Year, Scheduled

Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For Next Year, Scheduled (Summary)

Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For The Year, 2 Years From Now, Scheduled

Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For The Year, 2 Years From Now, Scheduled (Summary)

Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For The Year, 3 Years From Now, Scheduled

Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For The Year, 3 Years From Now, Scheduled (Summary)

Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For The Year, 4 Years From Now, Scheduled

Pledges - Cash Flow Forecast From Pledges For The Year, 4 Years From Now, Scheduled (Summary)

Pledges - Cash Flow Projected/Actual From Pledges Current Year Jan-Jun, Scheduled

Pledges - Cash Flow Projected/Actual From Pledges Current Year Jan-Jun, Scheduled (Summary)

Pledges - Cash Flow Projected/Actual From Pledges Current Year July-December, Scheduled

Pledges - Cash Flow Projected/Actual From Pledges Current Year July-December, Scheduled (Summary)

Pledges - Cash Flow Projected/Actual From Pledges Last Year Jan-Jun, Scheduled

Pledges - Cash Flow Projected/Actual From Pledges Last Year Jan-Jun, Scheduled (Summary)

Pledges - Cash Flow Projected/Actual From Pledges Last Year July-December, Scheduled

Pledges - Cash Flow Projected/Actual From Pledges Last Year July-December, Scheduled (Summary)

Pledges - Grouped By Year of Start Date

Pledges - Grouped By Year of Start Date - Summary

Pledges - Grouped By Year of Start Date And Pledge Stimulus

Pledges - Grouped By Year of Start Date And Pledge Stimulus - Summary

Pledges - Grouped By Year of Start Date And Pledge Stimulus With Payments - Summary

Pledges - Pledge Detail Report With Payment Schedule

Pledges - Pledge Receivables As They Were On A Specific Date, Excluding Zero Balance Pledges



December, 2020