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PadC( <FieldName>, <NumericValue> )



To return the characters of a field, centered within a character value that is <NumericValue> characters long. The resulting character value will be lengthened by adding spaces on the left and right to make it <NumericValue> characters long. The spaces are added in such a way as to center any text within the character value.



<FieldName> is the name of a field, or an expression of any type.


<NumericValue> is the total length you wish the resulting character value to be.



A Character value.



The "PadC()" function may be used to center text within a field of a report like this:


PadC( .Last_Name., 50 )


If you were to enter the above "PadC()" expression for a Field Name/Expression of a report, the last names of donors would be centered within a report column which is fifty characters wide.