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FiscalYearOf( <DateValue> )



To retrieve the fiscal year for a given calendar date.



<DateValue> is usually the name of a calendar date field in DonorQuest.



The fiscal year in which <DateValue> lies.



Many organizations have a fiscal year which is different from the calendar year. For example, where the calendar year starts on January first, fiscal years commonly start on July first. If today's date were June 30, 2011, and your fiscal year begins July 1, then today would be the last day of the fiscal year 2011. Tomorrow would be the first day of fiscal year 2012. Generally speaking, at any point in time the fiscal year is usually either equal to, or one greater than the calendar year.


Once you have told DonorQuest the starting month for your fiscal year, and the current fiscal year (my clicking on Configure, Program Settings), DonorQuest will automatically keep track of the fiscal year donation totals for you. Also, DonorQuest will automatically increment the current fiscal year by one at the end of each fiscal year.


This fiscal year orientation of many organizations makes dealing with calendar dates difficult. For example, if you want to create a selection that would collect all the donations made in fiscal year 2011, you would normally have to create a complex date range condition to check if a given donation date "falls between" the actual calendar dates which make up fiscal year 2011.


The FiscalYearOf() function alleviates much of this difficulty. In fact, since DonorQuest knows the beginning fiscal month for your organization, you don't even have to know the range of actual calendar dates that make up your fiscal year. The following FiscalYearOf() expression would easily accomplish the selection described above:



FiscalYearOf( .Donation_Date. ) = 2011


You could also use FiscalYearOf() in conjunction with the CurrentFY() function to select all donations for the current fiscal year as follows:


FiscalYearOf( .Donation_Date. ) = CurrentFY()