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CaseNormalize( <CharacterField> )



To convert a character field to mixed case.



<CharacterField> can be the name of any character field in DonorQuest, but it is usually a name or address field.



CaseNormalize() will return the contents of the specified character field with all words converted to mixed case. Mixed case means that the first letter of each word is capitalized, and the other letters are in lower case.



Some database programs force you to enter names and addresses in all upper case letters. If you import names and addresses from such a program into DonorQuest, the names and addresses will transfer in all upper case, just as they were entered. However, this is seldom desirable. Since DonorQuest allows for standard mixed case names and addresses, it is best to maintain all of your names and addresses this way.


After such an import you would normally have to manually edit each imported name and address to administer the correct capitalization. However, you could use the CaseNormalize() function to automate the process for you. You would proceed by performing a selection for the newly imported names and addresses. You would then use the replace command (see section seven) while viewing the selection result to apply the CaseNormalize() function to the fields which require it.


Of course, you could also keep the names and addresses in all upper case if you wish, and simply use the CaseNormalize() function with the report writer to make names and addresses look nice on printed reports.



The following examples illustrate CaseNormalize():




CaseNormalize( "JOHN SMITH" )

John Smith

CaseNormalize( "1234 COSMIC ST." )

1234 Cosmic St.