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AddressAbbreviate( <cAddressToAbbreviate>, <lIgnoreCase>, <lAddPeriods> )



To abbreviate street suffixes and directionals in addresses.



<cAddressToAbbreviate> is the name of a character field in DonorQuest containing the address you wish to abbreviate. It may also be the name of an address field within an external file which you are importing into DonorQuest.


<lIgnoreCase> is a true/false value. If true, case will be ignored when analyzing the address to abbreviate. If this parameter is true, then the resulting abbreviated address will also be in all upper case.


<lAddPeriods> is a true/false value. If true, periods will be applied to the abbreviations. So an address such as, "1234 First Avenue Northeast" will become, "1234 1st. Ave. N.E."



The given address, with all fully spelled out street suffixes and directionals translated to their USPS approved abbreviations.



AddressAbbreviate() is normally used when importing data to insure imported addresses adhere to the standard for addresses you wish to use in your donor database. It may also be used to mass update existing records in your database using the Replace feature of Selection Results. Used in conjunction with the AddressExpand() function, you may format address data to adhere to one of three standards: No Abbreviations, Abbreviations, and Abbreviations with periods. The No Abbreviations standardization would expand all addresses to have the full spellings of street suffixes and directionals, resulting in addresses such as, "1234 First Avenue Northeast." Abbreviations would result in addresses such as, "1234 1st Ave NE", and Abbreviations with periods would result in addresses such as, "1234 1st. Ave. N.E."



The following examples illustrate AddressAbbreviate():





1234 First Avenue Northeast

AddressAbbreviate( .Address., .F. )

1234 1st Ave NE

AddressAbbreviate( .Address., .T. )

1234 1ST AVE NE

AddressAbbreviate( .Address., .F., .T. )

1234 1st. Ave. NE.

AddressAbbreviate( .Address., .T., .T. )

1234 1ST. AVE. NE.